Friday, July 30, 2010

A Message to the STUDENTS that "CLAIM" to love Farrakhan: Consider the Time!

This message is not meant to bust your bubble, this message is to in a very clear and concise way show all of us where we are at in terms of the time; a time that SHOULD dictate our AGENDA!

Did not the Minister just recently complete a lecture series”Consider the Time, and what MUST be done”. Okay then…how do we see the word MUST, is it “should”? is it “could”….NOPE the MINISTER said Consider the Time and what “MUST” be done! Doesn't the word “MUST” imply that if WE or YOU, or I “Do Not” do it, then a Punishment or negative Consequence will be the result?

Well let’s define the word “MUST”:


verbal auxiliary 1 a : be commanded or requested to b : be urged to : ought by all means to
2 : be compelled by physical necessity to : be required by immediate or future need or purpose to
3 a : be obliged to : be compelled by social considerations to b : be required by law, custom, or moral conscience to c : be determined to d : be unreasonably or perversely compelled to 4 : be logically inferred or supposed to
5 : be compelled by fate or by natural law to 6 : was or were presumably certain to : was or were bound to
7 dialect : MAY, SHALL —used chiefly in questions intransitive verb archaic : to be obliged to go

Now look…for all those that CLAIM to LOVE the Minister and The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad; to all those who CLAIM to follow and believe themselves to be students of these TWO Great men, allow me to ask you this simple yet very important question…Do you really feel, think, and believe that you are individually OR collectively doing what the TIME dictates that you MUST do?

You don’t have to answer the question for me, because I have to answer the question for MYSELF! What I am trying to do is tell you some things that I am not altogether sure that you are being told on Sundays from those around you, or if you have been told…has not been really driven home!

You see, the condition of your Mosque or Church plays a significant part in how well you will receive a message that is TIMELY and Crucial for you! If for some reason you have lost faith and admiration for those around you, especially those that are in so-called AUTHORITY, the flawed relationship may just translate in a MIS-calculation on your part in CONSIDERING the words spoken by those people that you may have developed a limited respect for throughout the years for various reasons. What I am saying is SIMPLE…if a man that has LOST your respect comes running into your house screaming and yelling telling you to get out because your house in on fire…you may not take him very seriously until you smell the smoke!

I am telling you, DON’T allow the relationships that you have on the local level, whether it is family, Mosque, or church to affect what you hear from the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan in terms of HIS clear WARNINGS and INSTRUCTIONS! To do so may prove out to be a FATAL mistake! I don’t know, but if we say that WE love THAT man named Farrakhan, and HE speaks and Delivers a CLEAR word…then since HIS Lecture series on Consider the Time and what MUST be done, WHAT if any is the measurable or noticeable action or behavior that YOU, WE, or I have Initiated, Sustained, or EVEN thought about DOING that the TIME dictates that WE MUST do?

Consider the Time, and what Must be “DONE”!

Well let’s now define “DONE”:

done (dun)

transitive verb, intransitive verb



1. completed; ended

2. sufficiently cooked

3. socially acceptable because acceptable to arbiters of good taste: usually in a negative construction: it just isn't done

done (dŭn)


Past participle of do1.


1. Having been carried out or accomplished; finished: a done deed.

2. Cooked adequately.

3. Socially acceptable: Spitting on the street is just not done in polite society.

4. Informal Totally worn out; exhausted.

Related Forms:

• doneˈness noun

So as WE scream and shout, and yell our individual and collective declarations of LOVE and Support for the Minister…Let’s track that LOVE and SUPPORT in the context of a Man that claims to LOVE his Wife and Children…yet fails to supply those things that will evidently insure the survival of those whom he claims to love. In the context of application and demonstration (what MUST be DONE) it is more than recognized that our declarations are being received within the Heavens and the Earth as just a Joyful Noise that we THINK will buy us TIME and/or Mercy!

Look at the definition of “MERCY”:


noun pl. mercies -•cies
1. a refraining from harming or punishing offenders, enemies, persons in one's power, etc.; kindness in excess of what may be expected or demanded by fairness; forbearance and compassion
2. imprisonment rather than the death penalty imposed on those found guilty of capital crimes
3. a disposition to forgive, pity, or be kind
4. the power to forgive or be kind; clemency: to throw oneself on the mercy of the court
5. kind or compassionate treatment; relief of suffering
6. a fortunate thing; thing to be grateful for; blessing: a mercy he wasn't killed
used to express surprise, annoyance, fear, etc.
mer•cy (mûrˈsē)
noun pl. mercies mer•cies
1. Compassionate treatment, especially of those under one's power; clemency.
2. A disposition to be kind and forgiving: a heart full of mercy.
3. Something for which to be thankful; a blessing: It was a mercy that no one was hurt.
4. Alleviation of distress; relief: Taking in the refugees was an act of mercy.

Damn, WE might need to read that again!

Now we have been taught that MERCY is an UNDESERVED KINDNESS….BUT, we also have been taught that the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan IS Allah’s MERCY in the FLESH!

What this should tell us is that if the MINISTER is attempting to prepare us for HIS departure, then what He is actually trying to prepare us for is the ABSENCE of ALLAH’s Mercy!

NOW what does that mean for you and me?

It means that we will NOT be able to live the life and make the decisions that we have made in the past, a past that had the presence of God’s MERCY actually walking around with us as we are and were in the pit of Hell!

Just as the book of Daniel:

Daniel 3:25

"25 He said, "Look! I see four men walking around in the fire, unbound and unharmed, and the fourth looks like a son of the gods."

We too have been afforded the blessing and opportunities that come with the presence of the ANGEL or Son of the God named Farrakhan…you can accept it or reject’s your choice! The fact remains, OUR love for Farrakhan is not based upon what we have done for Him, our Love for Farrakhan (if in fact that is what it is) is absolutely rooted in what He has done for us; or even better yet, what HIS presence has allowed US to do!!

So what does this mean?

It would seem that Allah’s Mercy has allowed us to MIS-Calculate the TIME! It would seem that the presence of God’s MERCY has caused US to falsely mistake Allah’s UN-Deserved Kindness as a Weakness! And just like any Supreme Authority would…at a time when people FAIL to RESPECT an awesome POWER, and FAIL to adequately YIELD in the face of an Opposing FORCE…ALLAH has seemingly reached the POINT where HE “MUST” show US, better than TELL US!

(WE will get deeper into this subject in my next note INSHALLAH--called "SMELLING THE SMOKE…how the HOUSE is on FIRE so you BETTER get out Quick!")


Since ALLAH has been pleased with HIS MINISTER and His work, HE decides to take HIS MINISTER (Angel) from amongst the stiff-necked and rebellious clan of so-called BELIEVERS to show forth a MIGHTY display of POWER and CONVICTION.

QUESTION: Why would ALLAH choose to PUNISH HIS ANGEL if the ANGEL has in fact done the WORK? The ANGEL will be removed, but “HOW” the ANGEL is REMOVED will likewise play a major and critical part in the method by which, and through which ALLAH’S Anger and Actions are proven out to be JUSTIFIED.

Who am I? I’m your brother…am I Right and Exact? Hell NO!

But what kind of brother would I be if the HAUNTING thoughts that ALLAH have sent my way, were NOT shared with those that I encounter everyday within these various forms of electronic media?
In a virtual world of discussion, what is being said? And what is being heard? And does it even MATTER?

If you are on my list as a friend…what better friend is one that will share truth in the midst of a terrible lie, and a social network of a bunch damn hypocrites, agents, slanderers, defamers, and false lovers of a MAN that has already been carrying the CROSS, but in a VERY short while will be lifted up and placed on the CROSS for all the world to SEE?

The HARSHEST of criticism is NOT thrown at those who are simply weak, for you can be made strong!

Nor is it aimed at those who have slipped and fallen and came up short within the matchless glory of ALLAH.

Our spiritual and mental inadequacies can be strengthened over night if we just simply make the choice to submit!

But the Unrelenting and Harshest of criticisms and disdain is for those self aggrandized, holier than thou, title lifted so-called leaders and laborers that fail to tell the people what they NEED to hear, so that they can begin to do what MUST be DONE!
These kinds of people smell like Donkey Dung in the Nostrils of God, for these people Sport and Play with the salvation and lives of the people!

Oh yeah, if you think I am talking about you….then more than likely I damn sure am!

The people’s attention has been pointed to you, and yourself absorbed behinds fail to point them to GOD!


You might view me as that LOUD and Obnoxious brother on facebook, in your Mosque, in your family, and in your life! And yes, I am that person…I have had this attitude, personality, and mental tenacity ALL my life! I have often asked myself, as a man that worked so hard for the NATION, as a man that has demonstrated so much LOVE for his family and friends, as a man that works hard, and works intelligently…how come I have not been helped and supported to the degree that it seemingly looks as if others of lesser caliber are?

LOL…you see, ALLAH is the best of planners, and although it may sound like I am talking about myself, in reality I am talking about US!

It is everything that you were, that makes you what you are now! Everything that was NEVER given to you was held back from you until the proper time, IF it was GOOD for the Plan of GOD! AND if it is Good for GOD, then it should be EXCELLENT for any of us that claim to be from and of that GOD!

My personality and tenaciousness was developed throughout time to get me in a position where I can have the MICROPHONE,or opportunity to speak, BUT…what will I say once I have it? AND am I QUALIFIED, are YOU QUALIFIED?

The QUESTION is SIMPLE: Why would ALLAH tell US to consider the TIME and what MUST be done, if when the TIME came for it to be DONE, we could NOT do it?

What is being held in the darkened recesses of YOUR mind that MUST, that WILL come to the LIGHT at the Proper TIME? Do we doubt OUR Lord, and do we REJECT HIS PROMISE?


So many people that are in front of you LOVE to hear themselves talk, but what are they saying?

They are just re-mixing for you what they THINK that they heard the MINISTER SAY!

There is nothing wrong with that, BUT, if a Teacher’s aide FAILS to get you up to speed with the TEACHER, then no matter how much you work…YOUR work will only be based upon YOUR relationship with the Teacher’s Aide, Not the TEACHER!

THIS REALITY IS SEEN WHEN: We allow the teacher's aides to run us away from what is OURS, and subsequently from the TEACHER that is trying to QUALIFY us to receive it. (Do you Follow me?)

Follow me, a helper should help, but help turns to hindrance if that Helper does not improve the cognitive and real TIME mental and spiritual skills of the student that they have been charged to help.

SIMPLY PUT: a GOOD teacher’s aide will help the TEACHER in the TEACHER’S work, and in the case of the MINISTER, His work is to GET US where HE IS!


“As Allah (God) continues to grow all of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad's students into positions awaiting them, I pray that we will all be motivated by the words that Sister Latonja Muhammad wrote within the Introduction of the book entitled Closing the Gap: Inner Views of the Heart, Mind & Soul of The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, by Jabril Muhammad.

She Wrote:

“Every student’s dream is to be close to his or her teacher. So close that he or she is considered the favorite; and even closer, that one day, the student hopes to be “like” or “equal” to the one teaching.

Any good student yearns for the day when his teacher calls upon him; because he takes pleasure in showing the teacher he got his lesson. He takes pleasure in being pleasing in the teacher’s sight.

Not only is it the student’s desire, to be “like” the teacher, or to one day become a teacher, it is the aim and purpose of the teacher, that the student one day equals and even surpasses him. This is what fuels any good teacher. It is his driving force, it is also what gives him patience with the student, for he sees and knows the power that is active in the teacher lays dormant in the student. So it is the teacher’s aim to ignite the energy that is potential and turn it to kinetic”

Kinetic is defined as: Ki*net"ic (?), q. [Gr. , from to move.] (Physics) Moving or causing motion; motory; active, as opposed to latent. Kinetic energy.”
An excerpt taken from the DISCLAIMER found in my Book, The HipHop Nation: Willie Lynch’s Newest Slave

So this is the point that I wish to establish, the teacher’s aides MUST be active in the purpose and mission of the teacher. If this is not the case, the teacher’s aides could be found liable for punishment for actually distancing (Creating a Gap) between the Teacher and His students!

(This is done by Introducing MIXED INSTRUCTIONS, Instructions from who…the TEACHER)

The purpose of OUR Teacher is to improve the thinking and subsequent life activities of ALL HIS STUDENTS! The demonstration of progress in this regard will be seen in the said life activities as they bear a true witness of the student’s thought levels and process.

(the TRUTH of your Relationship with the TEACHER and HIS INSTRUCTIONS will be BORN in the reality of your life)


“After learning Mathematics, which is Islam, and Islam is Mathematics, it stands true. You can always prove it at no limit of time. Then you must learn to use it and secure some benefit while you are living, that is - luxury, money, good homes, friendship in all walks of life.”

What I am saying to you, is that since we KNOW that the TEACHER is right and exact, the flaw if there is one—is limited to the teacher’s aide and the student him or herself.

For this Reason: We hear the Minister say over and over again...that the Problem with the Nation is rooted in the laborers. Does He say that, or doesn't He?
He has also did a powerful lecture entitled....The Harvest is Ripe, but the Laborers are few! (think on this)

IN a real way it can be seen that the so-called teacher’s aides have restricted and hindered the development of the student. At some point the STUDENT out of the LOVE and DESIRE to be Near the Teacher in every aspect of the word NEAR, MUST recognize the flaw of a mathematical equation that has not yielded the desired FRUIT or Result!


"Sit yourself in Heaven at once! That is the greatest Desire of your Brother and Teachers."

Simply Put: No matter how easy it may be to blame the teacher’s aides, the student is required to not get the teacher’s aides confused with the TEACHER. The Student must NOT allow their minds to be tricked and deceived into believing that the teacher’s aides are the TEACHER, they MUST always be mindful that the teacher’s aides are REALLY ONLY students like themselves; and in this regard, the student must seek help from the aides, but accountability is held over the head of the STUDENT in terms of maintaining the PROPER connection and REALTIONSHIP with the TEACHER!


Sit yourself in Heaven at once! SIT WHO...YOURSELF, the BUCK STOPS WITH YOU!

To Further Establish this POINT, lets consider the FOLLOWING Taken from the Instructions Given to the Laborers:
"Each Student must qualify his or herself for Positions awaiting them. Assignment of Office will be made immediately after Examination, and on Completion of his or her Labor Course. Consideration for the Laborers of Islam will be taken, and Analysis, in the near future by ALLAH!

NOTE: THIS PARAGRAPH puts a stop to all Quarreling and Arguments among the Laborers over their Offices in ISLAM until he or she have been qualified and their qualification Examined to see if they are Fit to be used in the Respective Position. THE past History shows that the First Examination of Laborers is made by the Apostle, whom the Laborers are to work with.

According to the Holy Qur'an 59:7, the Muslims were very poor when they first started to Teach ISLAM and all contribution was given to ALLAH's Apostle for him and his Family's Support. And what the Apostle could spare, he gave to help take care of the Poor Muslims that were unable to help themselves and the other part was given to those who were confined to the Labor of ISLAM.

And soon, there arose an argument among the Hypocrites about the use of the money because they thought that they should share equally with the Apostle. Then ALLAH cast these Hypocrites out and punished them for the false accusation that they had spread against the Prophet, that he was seeking to enrich himself and acting unjustly to the poor and needy. And, then ALLAH, told the other Laborers that HE would soon enrich all of them but, at present, every effort should be to maintain the Prophet and his household.

The enemy, then, tried to stop every Muslim from helping the Apostle and said he should be killed. Then ALLAH Challenged the enemy to do so - to leave not a stone unturned in trying.

This is in the 34 Problems that you have, if you understand.

So this is what is meant by ALLAH taking, under Analysis, the Consideration of the Laborers in the near future. The student could practice his or her Labor while under study if they were sincere, and Submit themselves to Obey and Follow the Apostle. And it is written that all who Rebelled against the Apostle, ALLAH made it impossible for them to live in Peace until they would Submit.

The Holy Qur'an does not contradict a Muslim to Swear his Allegiance to his Brother so long as he does not break his Allegiance - nor does the Bible in this case.”

Now after reading the above INSTRUCTION…I want to focus your mind on THREE points among several!


“Each Student must qualify his or herself for Positions awaiting them. Assignment of Office will be made immediately after Examination, and on Completion of his or her Labor Course. Consideration for the Laborers of Islam will be taken, and Analysis, in the near future by ALLAH!”

NOTICE: “Awaiting them” denotes time…that a position will be waiting on you (the student) for the “PROPER TIME”
The Minister has told US: “Consider the TIME and What MUST be DONE”
Our ability to do what MUST be done is connected to our being QUALIFIED to do it!


QUESTION: Who will at a certain point determine who are in fact the HELPERS or LABORERS of ALLAH?
ANS: “Consideration for the Laborers of Islam will be taken, and Analysis, in the near future by ALLAH!”

Do you see it?

Consideration (like the time) will be taken, and Analysis in the near FUTURE! (TIME) So is it possible that that future is swiftly moving upon us? And are we beginning to see the qualifications begin to be EXAMINED, and the fake LABORERS vs. the REAL Laborers are beginning to go through a special CONSIDERATION?

TO SEE WHAT: "Examined to see if they are Fit to be used in the Respective Position."

WOW…can we NOT see that the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is locked right in step with the Supreme Wisdom?

NOW…what would be the mental disposition of those who found pride in the fact that they were the TEMPORARY LABORERS (teacher’s aides) as opposed to the FUTURE QUALIFIED ones?


“The student could practice his or her Labor while under study if they were sincere, and Submit themselves to Obey and Follow the Apostle.”

In this instance we can see that those who were/are Laborers could continue their practice IF they obey and follow the Apostle.


QUESTION: Has the students that have been practicing their labor been recently given a special instruction that the Minister says will Further Qualify them for their Future Position? (THINK)

The Minister has said that if the student laborers are successful with this special instruction…they will find and establish a mental and emotional peace that will quicken our pace in terms of the Mission and Purpose for the Coming of ALLAH!

So think about that when you read these words:

"And it is written that all who Rebelled against the Apostle, ALLAH made it impossible for them to live in Peace until they would Submit.”

The Minister has found and has offered PEACE…will we accept?


Do you think that ONLY those who have been KNOWN as Laborers were the ONLY ones being QUALIFIED for their POSITIONS that await them? (THINK)

Have we not heard that the RIGHTEOUS will be tried THROUGH the FURNACE of Affliction?

Isaiah 48:10 (New International Version)

“10 See, I have refined you, though not as silver;
I have tested you in the furnace of affliction.”
What about those who think that they have been forsaken do to poverty:

Revelation 2:9-10, 3:9.

"I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer . . . be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life. . . . Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee."

THINK: The FIRST shall be LAST, and the LAST shall be FIRST...ALSO...we TRY you UNDER, to prepare you for OVER...AND...if you prove to be a GOOD FOLLOWER, you will be MADE into a GOOD leader!
You see, after all this time, throughout your hard work and sacrifice, the pain of being under people that thought they were better, but were really no more than students like yourselves…you and I will awaken at a certain TIME and be pulled out in front of the NATIONS of the EARTH just as The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan was pulled out in front of the Nation of Islam, and just like how The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad was pulled out in front of the Minister’s Class by Master Fard Muhammad—WE will be displayed in front of the WORLD as the FRUIT or PRODUCT of a Mighty GOD!

If we INSIST upon Success, if we decide upon Divine Purpose…we will be made as a NEW and Perfect RULER! WHY, because in a NATION that was set up by GOD HIMSELF, we NEVER were truly afforded happiness or satisfaction brother and sisters! We have went through ups and downs…we have been falsely accused, we have been attacked spiritually, mentally, and physically…we have TRIPPED up ourselves, and we have been TRIPPED up by others who CLAIM the SAME GOD as US….BUT look around you beautiful black people, We are the LAST ONES standing…and ALL that PAIN was what will QUALIFY us to be NEW and PERFECT RULERS!!

PLEASE THINK: All of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad's people who the Minister was told to get, are the PURIFIED ones, those who have been QUALIFIED by the TRIALS of AFFLICTION! Its a GREAT DAY for ALL of US...please BUCKLE down at this NOT get TIRED NOW!!
We have been BLIND, we thought we could see…but we could NOT see, that is why we have had NO measurable SUCCESS since we have been supposedly of sight!

OUR ONLY success has been the SUCCESS that was called into EXISTANCE by the ONLY ONE that was TRULY QUALIFIED by the MESSENGER Himself…the foundation of any success that the NATION has had, or that we have had has been established on Allah’s Mercy in OUR midst, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, a man that was Converted to Success by Master Fard Muhammad and His Christ!

Yes, we were blind to the fact that all along, while we have been LOOKING at the Minister, and even LOOKING at HIS Helpers…ALLAH has been looking at US! ALLAH has been working on us, NOW are we ABLE to finally look around and see Allah’s Mighty work, can we NOW start to see ourselves in the magnificent light that Allah has called us to finally step-out into?


But there is more to be understood in the words. That the Laborers' Pronunciation of words and syllables must be in the Past, Future and Present Perfect Tense - Otherwise will not be considered.

What is meant by the Laborers' answers to all LESSONS in the Past, Present and Future being PERFECT is that we must know and be Able to Prove, at all times, to the New Converts that the LESSONS that OUR SAVIOUR (ALLAH) gave us to Study and Learn is the Fulfillment of the Prophecies of All the Former Prophets concerning the Beginning of the Devils, and the Ending if the Civilization, and of our Enslavement by the Devils, and Present Time of our Delivery from the Devils by OUR SAVIOUR (ALLAH). PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME! There is No God but ALLAH.

How that ALLAH would separate us from the Devils and, then destroy them; and Change us into a New and Perfect People; and Fill the Earth with FREEDOM, JUSTICE and EQUALITY as it was filled with wickedness; and Making we, the Poor Lost-Founds, the Perfect RULERS.

Therefore if we have not this Understanding, we are Yet Blind to HIM that has come to SAVE us. For this is OUR SAVIOUR'S Desire - that we should Know HIM as OUR GOD AND Saviour, and that Besides HIM there is NO SAVIOUR for us.

Why should the Lost-Founds Disbelieve and Dispute with one another about OUR SAVIOUR (ALLAH) and HIS Work of Delivering? Cannot a Fool see that a Mighty Change is in Progress in every Living Creature?”

This instruction best sums up the point I have tried to establish with you! Let’s get back into our Lessons, these Lessons are to be demonstrated through a language that cannot simply be spoken verbally, but based upon our life’s activity.

So NOW you may understand why I said this earlier:"My personality and tenaciousness was developed throughout time to get me in a position where I can have the MICROPHONE,or opportunity to speak, BUT…what will I say once I have it? AND I QUALIFIED, are YOU QUALIFIED?"

Allah is looking at our demonstration of our LESSONS, as students we have been given OUR LESSON! OUR ability to get OUR lesson, to demonstrate the understanding of said LESSON..will be EXAMINED by ALLAH at the PROPER TIME!

You and I have been worked on by GOD HIMSELF through the HELP and ASSISTANCE of those who are used Negatively or positively by GOD HIMSELF!

"There is No God but ALLAH. How that ALLAH would separate us from the Devils and, then destroy them; and Change us into a New and Perfect People; and Fill the Earth with FREEDOM, JUSTICE and EQUALITY as it was filled with wickedness; and Making we, the Poor Lost-Founds, the Perfect RULERS."

"Therefore if we have not this Understanding, we are Yet Blind to HIM that has come to SAVE us. For this is OUR SAVIOUR'S Desire - that we should Know HIM as OUR GOD AND Saviour, and that Besides HIM there is NO SAVIOUR for us."


“Why should the Lost-Founds Disbelieve and Dispute with one another about OUR SAVIOUR (ALLAH) and HIS Work of Delivering? Cannot a Fool see that a Mighty Change is in Progress in every Living Creature?”

YUP, that’s us…and that has been us, we are the LOST FOUNDS…perhaps we should stop calling our people who have yet to accept Islam as Lost-Founds, UNTIL or UNLESS we come into a better understanding of what that is! You see, if we think that we have been FOUND, then maybe we may falsely believe that we have already arrived…we have NOT…we are CLOSE, but not yet!

When the Minister finally gets up out of here, will we fall for three days before we get back up?

Or will we come out and CLAIM the blessings of ALLAH, rather than to continue to sit up and depend upon HIS MERCY? You see a BLESSING is so much greater than MERCY, we thank ALLAH for Mercy (undeserved kindness), but how much more greater will it be to finally DO something that EARNS us some Blessings!!

Consider the Time and what MUST be Done…

I Thank you for your time and consideration…I will close with this, hoping that you will really study what it is that I am saying to you!!


“After learning Mathematics, which is Islam, and Islam is Mathematics, it stands true. You can always prove it at no limit of time. Then you must learn to use it and secure some benefit while you are living, that is - luxury, money, good homes, friendship in all walks of life.

Sit yourself in Heaven at once! That is the greatest Desire of your Brother and Teachers.

Now you must speak the Language so you can use your Mathematical Theology in the proper Term -- otherwise you will not be successful unless you do speak well, for She knows all about you.

The Secretary of Islam offers a reward to the best and neatest worker of this Problem.

There are twenty-six letters in the Language, and if a Student learns one letter per day, then how long will it take him to learn the twenty-six letters?

There are ten numbers in the Mathematical Language. Then how long will it take a Student to learn the whole ten numbers (at the above rate)? The average man speaks four hundred words - considered well.”


PROBLEM NUMBER 13 leads you to 1+3=4 (the fourth instruction)

Instruction# 4

“The Laborers must practice the above Language with all new Converts. The Laborers are liable to punishment if found using Baby Language at any time. The Laborers must greet a Registered Muslim in his own way.”

AND JUST AS PROBLEM No.13 Leads to Instruction No. 4 (4 is the result of 1+3, or instruction number 13)

Instruction #13

“Big fields are awaiting for the wide Awake man to work out. Arise the Dead by the thousands! The dead Nation must arise - for the Time is at hand.

Look in your Poison Book. Work cheerfully and fear not! You are the Righteous, the Best and the Powerful.”


SMELLING THE SMOKE…how the HOUSE is on FIRE so you BETTER get out Quick! NOTE AND BLOG!
“The Laborers must Speak and Use grammatic pronunciation of words and syllables in Past, Future, Present and Perfect Tense. the Laborer's answers to All Lessons must be in the above Language. Others will not be considered.

Note: The Dumb must speak Plainly. The Stammering Tongue is Speaking Clear. (He covers the Prophecies of the Bible and, also, the Holy Qur'an in a word).

NO man can be Successful in Teaching a People that cannot speak, Clearly, the People's Language.


Monday, July 26, 2010

MODERN DAY DEBT: The Essence of the Blood Sucker!

Debt-The Essence of Modern Slavery An Excerpt from The HipHop Nation: Willie Lynch's Newest Slave"

If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them (around the banks), will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." -Thomas Jefferson

Americans, living in what is called the richest nation on earth; seem always to be short of money. Wives are working in unprecedented numbers, husbands hope for overtime hours to earn more, or take part-time jobs evenings and weekends, children look for odd jobs for spending money, the family debt climbs higher, and psychologists say one of the biggest causes of family quarrels and breakups is "arguments over money." Much of this trouble can be traced to the present "debt-money" system. Too few people realize why the American founding fathers wrote into Article I of the U.S. Constitution: Congress shall have the Power to Coin Money and Regulate the Value Thereof.

Money Is Created

Economists use the term "create" when speaking of the process by which money comes into existence. Now, creation means making something that did not exist before. Lumbermen make boards from trees, workers build houses from lumber, and factories manufacture automobiles from metal, glass and other materials. But in all these they did not "create," they only changed existing materials into a more usable and, therefore, more valuable form. This is not so with money. Here and here alone, man actually "creates" something out of nothing. A piece of paper of little value is printed so that it is worth a piece of lumber. With different figures it can buy the automobile or even the house. Its value has been "created" in the true meaning of the word.

As is seen by the above, money is very cheap to make, and whoever does the "creating" of money in a nation can make a tremendous profit! Builders work hard to make a profit of 5percent above their cost to build a house.

Auto makers sell their cars for 1percent to 2 percent above the cost of manufacture and it is considered good business. But money "manufacturers" have no limit on their profits, since a few cents will print a $1 bill or a $10,000 bill. That profit is part of the story, but first let us consider another unique characteristic of the thing - money, the love of which is the "root of all evil".


An adequate supply of money is indispensable to civilized society. We could forego many other things, but without money industry would grind to a halt, farms would become only self-sustaining units, surplus food would disappear, jobs requiring the work of more than one man or one family would remain undone, shipping, and large movements of goods would cease, hungry people would plunder and kill to remain alive, and all government except family or tribe would cease to function.

An overstatement, you say?—not at all. Money is the blood of civilized society, the means of all commercial trade except simple barter. It is the measure and the instrument by which one product is sold and another purchased. Remove money or even reduce the supply below that which is necessary to carry on current levels of trade, and the results are catastrophic. For an example, we need only look at America's Depression of the early 1930's.


In 1930 America did not lack industrial capacity, fertile-farm land, skilled and willing workers or industrious farm families. It had an extensive and highly efficient transportation system in railroads, road networks, and inland and ocean waterways. Communications between regions and localities were the best in the world, utilizing telephone, teletype, radio, and a well-operated government mail system. No war had ravaged the cities or the countryside, no pestilence weakened the population, nor had famine stalked the land. The United States of America in 1930 lacked only one thing: an adequate supply of money to carry on trade and commerce. In the early 1930's, the rich and powerful Bankers, the only source of new money and credit, deliberately refused loans to industries, stores and farms. Question; who were these Bankers, and what were their motives?!

Payments on existing loans were required however, and money rapidly disappeared from circulation. Goods were available to be purchased, jobs waiting to be done, but the lack of money brought the nation to a standstill. By this simple ploy America was put in a "depression" and the greedy Bankers took possession of hundreds of thousands of farms, homes, and business properties. The people were told, "times are hard," and "money is short." Not understanding the system, they were cruelly robbed of their earnings, their savings, and their property.


World War II ended the "depression." The same so-called Jewish Bankers who in the early 30's had no loans for peacetime houses, food and clothing, suddenly had unlimited billions to lend for Army barracks, K-rations and uniforms! A nation that in 1934 couldn't produce food for sale suddenly could produce bombs to send free to Germany and Japan!

With the sudden increase in money, people were hired, farms sold their produce, factories went to two shifts, mines re-opened, and "The Great Depression" was over! Some politicians were blamed for it and others took credit for ending it. The truth is the lack of money (caused by the Bankers) brought on the depression, and adequate money ended it. The people were never told that simple truth and hopefully in this book we will endeavor to show how these same Bankers who control our money and credit have used their control to plunder America and place us in bondage; and with the help of the ignorant so-called Negro rapper has created an entire generation that instead of seeking total and complete liberation, would prefer to consume and emulate the filth and swine slop propagated by the 2006 version of the Uncle Tom.


When we can see the disastrous results of an artificially created shortage of money, we can better understand why the so-called Founding Fathers of America insisted on placing the power to "create" money and the power to control it ONLY in the hands of the Federal Congress. They believed that ALL citizens should share in the profits of its "creation" and therefore the national government must be the ONLY creator of money. They further believed that ALL citizens, of whatever State or Territory, or station in life would benefit by an adequate and stable currency and therefore, the national government must also be, by law, the ONLY controller of the value of money.

Since the Federal Congress was the only legislative body subject to all the citizens at the ballot box, it was, to their minds, the only safe depository of so much profit and so much power. They wrote it out in the simple, but all-inclusive: "Congress shall have the Power to Coin Money and Regulate the Value Thereof."


Instead of the Constitutional method of creating our money and putting it into circulation, we now have an entirely unconstitutional system. This has resulted in almost disastrous conditions, as we shall see.

Since our money was handled both legally and illegally before 1913, we shall consider only the years following 1913, since from that year on, ALL of our money has been created and issued by an illegal method that will eventually destroy the United States if it is not changed. Prior to 1913, America was considered a prosperous, powerful, and growing nation, evidently at peace with its neighbors and the envy of the world. But - in December of 1913, Congress, with many members away for the Christmas holidays, passed what has since been known as the FEDERAL RESERVE ACT. (For the full story of how this infamous legislation was forced through our Congress, read The Creature from Jekyll Island, by G. Edward Griffin or Conquest or Consent, by W. B. Vennard). Omitting the burdensome details, it simply authorized the establishment of a Federal Reserve Corporation, with a Board of Directors (The Federal Reserve Board) to run it, and the United States was divided into 12 Federal Reserve "Districts."

This simple, but terrible law completely removed from Congress the right to "create" money or to have any control over its "creation," and gave that function to the Federal Reserve Corporation. This was done with appropriate fanfare and propaganda that this would "remove money from politics" (they didn't say "and therefore from the people's control") and prevent "Boom and Bust" from hurting their citizens. The people were not told then, and most still do not know today, that the Federal Reserve Corporation is a private corporation controlled by so-called Jewish bankers and therefore is operated for the financial gain of the bankers over the people rather than for the good of the people. The word "Federal" was used only to deceive the people.


Since that "day of infamy," more disastrous than Pearl Harbor, the small group of "privileged" people who lend us "our" money have accrued to themselves all of the profits of printing our money' - and more! Since 1913 they have "created" tens of billions of dollars in money and credit, which, as their own personal property, they then lend to our government and our people at interest. "The rich get richer and the poor get poorer" had become the secret policy of our National Government. An example of the process of "creation" and its conversion to people's "debt" will aid our understanding.


We shall start with the need for money. The Federal Government, having spent more than it has taken from its citizens in taxes, needs, for the sake of illustration, $1,000,000,000. Since it does not have the money, and Congress has given away its authority to "create" it, the Government must go to the "creators" for the $1 billion. But, the Federal Reserve, a private corporation, doesn't just give its money away! The Bankers are willing to deliver $1,000,000,000 in money or credit to the Federal Government in exchange for the Government's agreement to pay it back - with interest! So Congress authorizes the Treasury Department to print $1,000,000,000 in U.S. Bonds, which are then delivered to the Federal Reserve Bankers.

The Federal Reserve then pays the cost of printing the $1,000,000,000 (about $1,000) and makes the exchange. The Government then uses the money to pay its obligations. What are the results of this fantastic transaction? Well, $1 billion in Government bills are paid all right, but the Government has now indebted the people to the Bankers for $1 billion on which the people must pay interest! Tens of thousands of such transactions have taken place since 1913 so that by the 1980's, the U.S. Government was indebted to the Bankers for over $1,000,000,000,000 (trillion) on which the people pay over $100 billion a year in interest alone with no hope of ever paying off the principal. Supposedly our children and following generations will pay forever and forever! As of 2006, the American debt is $9 Trillion.

You say, "This is terrible!" Yes, it is, but I have shown only part of the sordid story. Under this unholy system, those United States Bonds have now become "assets" of the Banks in the Reserve System which they then use as "reserves" to "create" more "credit" to lend. Current "fractional reserve" requirements allow them to use that $1 billion in bonds to "create" as much as $15 billion in new "credit" to lend to States, Municipalities, to individuals and businesses. Added to the original $1 billion, they could have $16 billion of "created credit" out in loans paying them interest with their only cost being $1,000 for printing the original $1 billion! Since the U.S. Congress has not issued Constitutional money since 1863 (over 140 years), in order for the people to have money to carry on trade and commerce they are forced to borrow the "created credit" of the Monopoly Bankers and pay them usury-interest!

In addition to the vast wealth drawn to them through this almost unlimited usury, the Bankers who control the money at the top are able to approve or disapprove large loans to large and successful corporations to the extent that refusal of a loan will bring about a reduction in the price that that Corporation's stock sells for on the market.

After depressing the price, the Bankers' agents buy large blocks of the stock, after which the sometimes multi-million dollar loan is approved, the stock rises, and are then sold for a profit. In this manner billions of dollars are made with which to buy more stock. This practice is so refined today that the Federal Reserve Board need only announce to the so-called Jewish ran newspapers an increase or decrease in their "rediscount rate" to send stocks up and down as they wish. Using this method since 1913, the wicked Bankers and their agents have purchased secret or open control of almost every large corporation in America. Using that control, they then force the corporations to borrow huge sums from their banks so that corporation earnings are siphoned off in the form of interest to the banks. This leaves little as actual "profits" which can be paid as dividends and explains why stock prices are often depressed, while the banks reap billions in interest from corporate loans. In effect, the bankers get almost all of the profits, while individual stockholders are left holding the bag. It should be now understood how and why corporate heads and world bankers all share similar sounding surnames. They are all connected; their wealth can be traced to the same source. Their lifeline is the same, therefore so is their agenda, goals, and ideas.

The millions of working families of America are now indebted to the few thousand Banking Families for twice the assessed value of the entire United States. And these Banking Families obtained that debt against us for the cost of paper, ink, and bookkeeping! So-called Negro rappers are selling out their people on a global scale for paper with dead white men on them, and for diamonds with their people’s blood covering them. This is a shame and whether they like it or not, they need to be told the truth and corrected, and if they still don’t get the message, they should be destroyed!


The only way new money (which is not true money, but is "credit" representing a debt), goes into circulation in America is when it is borrowed from Bankers. When the State and people borrow large sums, they seem to prosper. However, the Bankers "create" only the amount of the principal of each loan, never the extra amount needed to pay the interest. Therefore the new money never equals the new debt added. The amount needed to pay the interest on loans is not "created," and therefore does not exist!

Under this kind of a system, where new debt always exceeds the new money no matter how much or how little is borrowed, the total debt increasingly outstrips the amount of money available to pay the debt. The people can never, ever get out of debt!

An example will show the viciousness of this usury-debt system with its "built-in" shortage of money.

IF $60,000 IS BORROWED, $255,931.20 MUST BE PAID BACK

When a citizen goes to a Banker to borrow $60,000 to purchase a home or a farm, the Bank clerk has the borrower agree to pay back the loan plus interest. At 14percent interest for 30 years, the Borrower must agree to pay $710.92 per month for a total of $255,931.20. The clerk then requires the citizen to assign to the Banker the right of ownership of the property if the Borrower does not make the required payments. The Bank clerk then gives the Borrower a $60,000 check or a $60,000 deposit slip crediting the Borrower's checking account with $60,000.

The Borrower then writes checks to the builder, subcontractors, etc., who in turn write checks. $60,000 of new "checkbook" money is thereby added to "money in circulation."

However, and this is the fatal flaw in a usury system, the only new money created and put into circulation is the amount of the loan, $60,000. The money to pay the interest is NOT created, and therefore was NOT added to "money in circulation."

Even so, this Borrower (and those who follow him in ownership of the property) must earn and TAKE OUT OF CIRCULATION $255,931, almost $200,000 MORE than he put IN CIRCULATION when he borrowed the original $60,000! (By the way, it is this interest which cheats all families out of nicer homes. It is not that they can't afford them; it is because the Banker's usury forces them to pay for 4 homes to get one!)

Every new loan puts the same process in operation. Each borrower adds a small sum to the total money supply when he borrows, but the payments on the loan (because of interest) then deduct a much LARGER sum from the total money supply.

There is therefore no way all debtors can pay off the money-lenders. As they pay the principal and interest, the money in circulation disappears. All they can do is struggle against each other, borrowing more and more from the money-lenders each generation. The money-lenders (Bankers), who produce nothing of value, slowly, then more rapidly, gain a death grip on the land, buildings, and present and future earnings of the whole working population. SLAVERY


If you haven't quite grasped the impact of the above, let us consider a small auto loan for 3 years at 18percent interest. Step 1: Citizen borrows $5,000 and pays it into circulation (it goes to the dealer, factory, miner, etc.) and signs a note agreeing to pay the Banker $6,500. Step 2: Citizen pays $180 per month of his earnings to the Banker. In 3 years he will take OUT of circulation $1,500 more than he put IN circulation.

Every loan of Banker "created" money (credit) causes the same thing to happen. Since this has happened millions of times since 1913 (and continues today), you can see why America has gone from a prosperous, debt-free nation to a debt-ridden nation where practically every home, farm and business is paying usury-tribute to some Banker. The usury-tribute to the Bankers on personal, local, State and Federal debt totals more than the combined earnings of 25percent of the working people. Soon it will be 50percent and continue up.


In the millions of transactions made each year, like those above, very little currency changes hands, nor is it necessary for it to do so. 95percent of all "cash" transactions in the U.S. are by check or electronic money transfer, so the Banker is perfectly safe in "creating" that so-called "loan" by writing the check or deposit slip, not against actual money, but AGAINST YOUR PROMISE TO PAY IT BACK! The cost to him is paper, ink and a few dollars in salaries and office costs for each transaction. It is "check-kiting" on an enormous scale. The profits increase rapidly, year after year.


In 1910 the U.S. Federal debt was only $1 billion, or $12.40 per citizen. State and local debts were practically non-existent.

By 1920, after only 6 years of Federal Reserve shenanigans, the Federal debt had jumped to $24 billion, or $226 per person.

In 1960 the Federal debt reached $284 billion, or $1,575 per citizen and State and local debts were mushrooming.

By 1981 the Federal debt passed $1 trillion and was growing exponentially as the Banker's tripled the interest rates. State and local debts are now MORE than the Federal, and with business and personal debts totaled over $6 trillion, 3 times the value of all land and buildings in America.

If we signed over to the money-leaders all of America we would still owe them 2 more Americas (plus their usury, of course!) This is based upon the above numbers, consider the current national debt:



The Outstanding Public Debt as of 16 Mar 2009 at 09:55:31 PM GMT is:

The estimated population of the United States is 305,827,544

so each citizen's share of this debt is $35,951.25.

The National Debt has continued to increase an average of

$3.71 billion per day since September 28, 2007!

However, they are too cunning to take title to everything. They will instead leave you with some "illusion of ownership" so you and your children will continue to work and pay the Bankers more of your earnings on ever-increasing debts. The "establishment" has captured our people with their ungodly system of usury and debt as certainly as if they had marched in with a uniformed army.


To grasp the truth that periodic withdrawal of money through interest payments will inexorably transfer all wealth in the nation to the receiver of interest, imagine yourself in a poker or dice game where everyone must buy the chips (the medium of exchange) from a "banker" who does not risk chips in the game, but watches the table and every hour reaches in and takes 10percent to 15percent of all the chips on the table. As the game goes on, the amount of chips in the possession of each player will go up and down with his "luck."

However, the TOTAL number of chips available to play the game (carry on trade and business) will decrease rapidly.

The game will get low on chips, and some will run out. If they want to continue to play, they must buy or borrow them from the "banker." The "banker" will sell (lend) them ONLY if the player signs a "mortgage" agreeing to give the "banker" some real property (car, home, farm, business, etc.) if he cannot make periodic payments to pay back all of the chips plus some EXTRA ones (interest). The payments must be made on time, whether he wins (makes a profit) or not.

It is easy to see that no matter how skillfully they play, eventually the "banker" will end up with all of his original chips back, and except for the very best players, the rest, if they stay in long enough, will lose to the "banker" their homes, their farms, their businesses, perhaps even their cars, watches, rings, and the shirts off their backs!

Our real-life situation is MUCH WORSE than any poker game. In a poker game none is forced to go into debt, and anyone can quit at any time and keep whatever he still has. But in real life, even if we borrow little ourselves from the Bankers, the local, State, and Federal governments borrow billions in our name, squander it, then confiscate our earnings from us and pay it back to the Bankers with interest. We are forced to play the game, and none can leave except by death. We pay as long as we live, and our children pay after we die. If we cannot pay, the same government sends the FBI or IRS to take our property and give it to the Bankers. The Bankers risk nothing in the game; they just collect their percentage and "win it all." In Las Vegas and at other gambling centers, all games are "rigged" to pay the owner a percentage, and they rake in millions. The Federal Reserve Bankers' "game" is also rigged, and it pays off in billions!

In recent years Bankers added real "cards" to their 'game. "Credit" cards are promoted as a convenience and a great boon to trade. Actually, they are ingenious devices by which Bankers collect 2percent to 5percent of every retail sale from the seller and 18percent interest from buyers. A real "stacked" deck!


Democrat, Republican, and Independent voters who have wondered why politicians always spend more tax money than they take in should now see the reason. When they begin to study our "debt-money" system, they soon realize that these politicians are not the agents of the people but are the agents of the Bankers, for whom they plan ways to place the people further-in debt. It takes only a little imagination to see that if Congress had been "creating," and spending or issuing into circulation the necessary increase in the money supply, THERE WOULD BE NO NATIONAL DEBT, and the over $4 Trillion of other debts would be practically non-existent. Since there would be no ORIGINAL cost of money except printing, and no CONTINUING costs such as interest, Federal taxes would be almost nil. Money, once in circulation, would remain there and go on serving its purpose as a medium of exchange for generation after generation and century after century, just as coins do now, with NO payments to the Bankers whatever!


But instead of peace and debt-free prosperity, we have ever-mounting debt and periodic wars. We as a people are now ruled by a system of Banker-owned Mammon that has usurped the mantle of government, disguised itself as our legitimate government, and set about to pauperize and control our people. It is now a centralized, all-powerful political apparatus whose main purposes are promoting war, spending the peoples' money, and propagandizing to perpetuate itself in power. Our two large political parties have become its servants, the various departments of government its spending agencies and the Internal Revenue its collection agency.

Unknown to the people, it operates in close cooperation with similar apparatuses in other nations which are also disguised as "governments." Some, we are told, are friends. Some, we are told, are enemies. "Enemies" are built up through international manipulations and used to frighten the American people into going billions of dollars more into debt to the Bankers for "military preparedness," "foreign aid to stop communism," “Islamic Terrorist” "minority rights," etc. Citizens, deliberately confused by brainwashing propaganda, watch helplessly while our politicians give our food, goods, and money to Banker-controlled alien governments under the guise of "better relations" and "easing tensions." Our Banker-controlled government takes our finest and bravest sons and daughters and sends them into foreign wars with obsolete equipment and inadequate training, where tens of thousands are murdered, and hundreds of thousands are crippled. Other thousands are morally corrupted, addicted to drugs, and infected with venereal and other diseases, which they bring back to the United States. When the "war" is over, we have gained nothing, but we are scores of billions of dollars more in debt to the Bankers, which was the reason for the "war" in the first place!


The profits from these massive debts have been used to erect a complete and almost hidden economic and political colossus over our nation. They keep telling us they are trying to do us "good," when in truth they work to bring harm and injury to our people. These would-be despots know it is easier to control and rob an ill, poorly-educated and confused people than it is a healthy and intelligent population, so they deliberately prevent real cures for diseases, they degrade our educational systems, and they stir up social and racial unrest. For the same reason they favor drug use, alcohol, sexual promiscuity, abortion, pornography, and crime. Everything which debilitates the minds and bodies of the people is secretly encouraged, as it makes the people less able to oppose them or even to understand what is being done to them.

Family, morals, self respect, fear of God, all that is honorable, is being swept away, while they try to build their new, subservient man. Our new "rulers" are trying to change our whole racial, social, religious, and political order, but they will not change the debt-money economic system by which they rob and rule. Our people are "debt-slaves" to the Bankers and their agents in the land that boasts of being free. It is conquest through the most gigantic fraud and swindle in the history of mankind. And I remind you again: The key to their wealth and power over us is their ability to create "money" out of nothing and lend it to us at interest. If they had not been allowed to do that, they would never have gained secret control of this nation and those who live in it. "The rich rule'th over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender" (Proverbs 22:7).


"In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. ... This is the shabby secret of the welfare statists' tirades against gold. Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the confiscation of wealth. Gold stands in the way of this insidious process. It stands as a protector of property rights. If one grasps this, one has no difficulty in understanding the statists' antagonism toward the gold standard."

PRESIDENT THOMAS JEFFERSON: "The system of banking [is] a blot left in all our Constitutions, which, if not covered, will end in their destruction... I sincerely believe that banking institutions are more dangerous than standing armies; and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity... is but swindling futurity on a large scale."

PRESIDENT JAMES A. GARFIELD: "Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce".

CONGRESSMAN LOUIS McFADDEN: "The Federal Reserve (Banks) are one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever seen. There is not a man within the sound of my voice who does not know that this Nation is run by the International Bankers".

HORACE GREELEY: "While boasting of our noble deeds were careful to conceal the ugly fact that by an iniquitous money system we have nationalized a system of oppression which, though more refined, is not less cruel than the old system of chattel slavery.

"People who will not turn a shovel full of dirt on the project (Muscle Shoals Dam) nor contribute a pound of material, will collect more money from the United States than will the People who supply all the material and do all the work. This is the terrible thing about interest ...But here is the point: If the Nation can issue a dollar bond it can issue a dollar bill. The element that makes the bond good makes the bill good also. The difference between the bond and the bill is that the bond lets the money broker collect twice the amount of the bond and an additional 20 percent. Whereas the currency, the honest sort provided by the Constitution, pays nobody but those who contribute in some useful way. It is absurd to say our Country can issue bonds and cannot issue currency. Both are promises to pay, but one fattens the usurer and the other helps the People."

PRESIDENT WOODROW WILSON: "A great industrial Nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the Nation and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the world - no longer a Government of free opinion no longer a Government by conviction and vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of small groups of dominant men". (Just before he died, Wilson is reported to have stated to friends that he had been "deceived" and that "I have betrayed my Country". He referred to the Federal Reserve Act passed during his Presidency.)

SIR JOSIAH STAMP, (President of the Bank of England in the 1920's, the second richest man in Britain): "Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create deposits, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take it away from them, and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in. But, if you wish to remain the slaves of Bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create deposits".

MAJOR L .L. B. ANGUS: "The modern Banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banks can in fact inflate mint and un-mint the modern ledger-entry currency".

RALPH M. HAWTREY (Former Secretary of the British Treasury): "Banks lend by creating credit. They create the means of payment out of nothing."

ROBERT HEMPHILL (Credit Manager of Federal Reserve Bank, Atlanta, Ga.): "This is a staggering thought. We are completely dependent on the commercial Banks. Someone has to borrow every dollar we have in circulation, cash or credit. If the Banks create ample synthetic money we are prosperous; if not, we starve. We are absolutely without a permanent money system. When one gets a complete grasp of the picture, the tragic absurdity of our hopeless position is almost incredible, but there it is. It is the most important subject intelligent persons can investigate and reflect upon. It is so important that our present civilization may collapse unless it becomes widely understood and the defects remedied very soon".

The above information was presented in a way that helps the reader understand the reality of slavery within the modern context. As we continue, please understand the depth of these claims and the foundational support upon which I formulate my conclusions.

The reader may wish to consider the connection of the following:

• The Federal Reserve prints and loans the money

• The IRS collects the money

• The FBI investigates and prosecutes those whom they consider as breakers of the Federal Laws

• The Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith labels any and all who dare speak out against the World Banks, the Federal Reserve Act, or the so-called Jewish elements of crime and deception as Anti-Semitic.

All four institutions were brought into existence the exact same year; 1913. Perhaps it is just a coincidence!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Interview with Bro. Philip A. Muhammad

This Interview was conducted by Kenneth Oden: Chairman of the University Board of Directors—California State University Northridge

KO: So, Mr. Muhammad what’s good?

PM: Allah, God, the true and living, yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

KO: Most definitely, I certainly agree with that.

PM: Yes sir!

KO: Mr. Muhammad…

PM: Brother, please… just call me Brother Philip

KO: Okay Bro. Philip, I have a copy (manuscript) in my hand right now; and the thing that really gets my attention right off the jump is the books cover. This may be a silly question, but is there any special significance to the cover; I mean despite the obvious?

PM: (laughs) Well bro… that’s kind of tricky; what’s obvious to some may not be so obvious to others… but I do get your point. As I did the research for my book, I began to further understand that there is always so much more than what meets the eye… the so-called obvious. Like people in general, you can always see the skin or the clothes, but everyone knows that there is something deeper than that, deeper or under the cover of the proverbial fig leafs. I say fig leafs because they are used as a distraction, as a means to cover up something that an individual or group of individuals desires to be hidden. Regardless if it is good or bad, most people have something to hide; something that they don’t want everybody to know.

KO: Right, right… so as for the book’s cover, are you trying to hide something?

PM: (laughs) Of course not brother…not me! (smiling) The cover was designed by me to EXPOSE something that is covered up, that has not been made to be so obvious by individuals and groups; something that powerful people have spent uncountable dollars, and spent tremendous amounts of political, social, religious, and educational clout to keep a secret.

KO: And the cover exposes that?

PM: The cover itself does not expose what has been hidden by those who receive huge profit from your or my ignorance. The cover reveals to those that have something to hide; those that recognize the symbolism that comprises the book’s cover, that whoever put the cover together knows at least something of that which others desire to hide… you follow me?

KO: Yeah, I feel you.

PM: okay, the cover is just that; a cover! But what it covers is information that if understood would cause us to re-VIEW the cover, and realize that the cover itself gives an indication of what is, and has been under-COVER! (Laughs)

KO: (laughs) Alright, what should I see in the book’s cover; I mean, before I have a chance to read the book, what are you trying to tell a 22 year old black male from southern California?

PM: Very good, first brother… the cover has gotten your attention! That’s the overall purpose and intent of the cover… to get your attention. Second, what do you see… you see a black background, black is the color of truth, and black means original because it is the essence from which all life comes; light itself can be traced within the essence of darkness, or that which is black. The UNIVERSE is black, UNI means one, and VERSE means TRUTH. There is one truth that truth is born out of darkness. The book’s cover is primarily black, but between the front and back cover is a truth that if understood would begin to help some of us see the light. You got me…

KO: Yeah, that’s pretty deep…

PM: After you see the blackness, you notice the seal of the United States of America, there is a huge amount of meaning behind this seal… but to be brief, it represents America and the social, political, economic, religious, and educational institutions that define the American agenda and global aspirations. This seal has been imposed upon the universal order of truth, and the justice that finds its root in that truth. America has imposed their view upon the peoples of the world, and in many ways has been successful in supplanting truth with lies. Therefore the seal is imposed upon the black background. But imposed on that seal is the Star of David, this symbol is adopted by the Zionist Jews that have an agenda that has been adopted by the government of the United States of America… hence it is red, white, and blue. Within the Star of David you find the gold HipHop Nation that is controlled by those that have chosen the flag of America, and the Star of David as their operational symbol. Gold is one of the most valuable metals in the world; but just as gold, the valuable HipHop Nation is manipulated and utilized by those of a particular type and stripe!

KO: So within this book are these claims proven?

PM: I wouldn’t say proven in the context of PROOF… I would say proven in the context of irrefutable evidence that there is more to the global story than meets the eye. I would say that this book proves that those that have adopted the American global view have, at least by default, adopted the agenda of those that have adopted the Star of David. I’m not saying that everyone who operates under the banner of the American Seal or the Star of David can be proven to be associated, or endorsers of the American and Zionist agenda… what I claim is that those who endorse the American global agenda also endorse the Zionist agenda; and these people and groups use the Seal of America and the Star of David as their fig leaf! (smiles)

KO: Now, even if that is true; what does that have to do with HipHop, the music, you know… the artist?

The world is made up of resources; resources have value because they are the source of those things that are necessary for the perpetuation of a healthy and well balanced life. Those individuals who desire to have power and dominion seeks to obtain and control the world’s resources. The individual or group that can control and dominate the world’s most valuable elements, by default control all those that have need of that which others control… you follow me?

KO: Yes…

PM: Anything of value must be controlled by those who have a serious desire for power. This control is necessary for the survival of those who have obtained power. HipHop has been proven as valuable, therefore those who wish to maintain power must control it.

KO: Why is it important to control HipHop, isn’t it just music? What makes it so valuable, is it because it makes millions of dollars?

PM: In this world value has been equated with money, money is simply that which allows something of value to be transferred from one person or group to another. If money could not reap something of equal or greater value than itself, then money has no true value at all… its simply paper. This means that need, or perceived need equates value, not money. The HipHop Nation is not valuable because it merely generates revenue, or the circulation of money … the HipHop Nation is valuable because it is comprised of valuable or needed people, people with valuable talent. The artists that make up the HipHop Nation are children of God, and their talents are God given resources certainly no less in value than other resources of the world; including, but not limited to gold, diamonds, platinum, and pearls. The talent of the HipHop artist has the potential to carry a message and information that can bring about a redistribution of power on a global scale. Those who operate from a higher level of power consciousness are aware of this; those that characterize themselves as rap artists generally seem to be ignorant of this fact.

KO: So it’s more than money… its power! You don’t think that most HipHop artists are aware of this?
PM: Apparently not… You might here a relative few speak about power and the redistribution of wealth; but most seem to lack awareness of their true value in relation to the national and international politic. The HipHop Nation generally misunderstands its true worth and value because it is fundamentally ignorant of the principles of wealth and power.

KO: Wealth and power?

PM: Yes, wealth and power. The signer of a contract can never be the equal of him or her who writes the contract. A signature represents that you agree to, or accept the terms of what is written in the contract. He or she who signs the contract is legally obligated to him or her who writes the contract! Of course the writer of the contract has an obligation to the signer, and there is always some sort of a mutual benefit within the context of the contract. But a mutual benefit does not necessarily mean an equal benefit! The writer of a contract looks out primarily for their own interest… the writer of a contract only offer that which is necessary to get the other person to sign it. We often hear that the devil is in the details… and he is; however, the details are not necessarily the small print that you may see at the bottom of the contract, the details are found in the reasons for the contract in the first place… the hidden reasons and motivations that cause the devil to seek you out, to have you contractually obligated to him in the first place.

KO: Are you saying that the rap artists should not sign contracts?

PM: No… what I am saying is that, in order to demonstrate true wealth and power, the HipHop Nation should be able to write the contract, and get the devil to sign it; not the other way around. When a man behind a desk can assess your talent, a talent that was bestowed upon you by your creator, not the man behind the desk, what that man offers you in exchange for the use of your talent should be in proportion to the benefit that man receives by the use of that said talent… you following me?

KO: Yes sir

The details that are left out during the initial negotiation, is the detailed benefits that the man behind the desk will receive by an artist signing his or her name to a contract. When the artist is blind to his or her true value, then that artist enters into the negotiation process handicapped. As long as the artists equate value with money; paper, then the artist will receive paper, while he who writes the contract will receive the unseen benefits that dwarf whatever value we place on the paper! When the artists are ignorant of the true reasons behind the contract, the true intent or aspirations of he who has written the contract; then the artists are ignorant of themselves and what role they play within the agenda of those that will have you sign their contract. It is this reality that I attempt to relay within my book.

KO: Yes… after reading it, I admit that you certainly made that point. In the book I noticed that you really dealt with the… who you call “the so-called Jews”…

PM: Yes

KO: But within the title you call the HipHop Nation; “Willie Lynch’s newest slave”, yet you don’t spend as much time talking about Willie Lynch as you do the “so-called Jews”…

PM: Right, allow me to approach that issue from this standpoint. Willie Lynch has created a sickness within the mind-state of black America… this sickness can be referred to as the “Willie Lynch Syndrome”. Of course Sigmund Freud and his boys have not spent anytime studying or analyzing this condition; never the less, it is real. Because of the affects of Willie Lynch and the colonial slave master’s, the new and improved “corporate slave master” is able to put forth his international play for power in a more effective way. The seemingly subtle manipulation of power and the human resource is only proven effective because of the mental condition that Willie helped to put black folks in. Therefore, this condition is diagnosed as what it is… and while making this diagnosis, I spend a considerable amount of time proving this condition by highlighting who is benefiting from it, how they are benefiting, and by showing what is the consequence of our inability to free ourselves from this condition.

KO: I understand that… but it seems like you are placing a lot of blame on Jewish people.

No… not Jewish people! I am not blaming Jewish people at all! I am blaming “so-called Jewish people”. By this I mean, there are people that go through life claiming to be something that they are actually not; they use the proverbial fig leaf to cover up who they really are. That fig leaf may be education, a nice suit, a phony smile, or even religion. This fig leaf acts as a distraction; while getting a victim or potential victim to focus on the fig leaf, the true person that is wearing the fig leaf is unleashing a subtle attack on those that are easily distracted or impressed by an outer exterior or presence. If as a society we have been conditioned into believing that the Jewish people are God’s chosen, that they are divinely guided and considered special… then what is a better fig leaf than that to be used as a cover for a crooked and wicked deceiver? The enemy of truth and justice can use that fig leaf to not simply distract the people, but use this particular fig leaf to justify its nefarious ways and actions; ways and actions that are contrary to the social impression that they are attempting to make. These people that are guilty of doing this are not Jewish people, despite what they may claim or what we may believe; these people are no more Jews than the clansmen are Christian or Arab terrorists are Muslim! They are so-called Jews, and by exposing their real identity, their real purpose and agenda, the fig leaf will be seen for what it is, and their true aspirations and machinations will be exposed!

KO: After reading your book, it seems that black people have been deceived…

PM: Exactly… By using ignorant rappers to entertain the people; to make the public sing and dance, the rappers are being used as a tool of the corporate slave masters. The rappers receive dollars for their services, they believe that their duty is to make the people sing and dance… but the arch-deceivers have contracted out the rapping slaves to shuck-n-jive, and to distract the people while the slave master manipulates and creates more slaves! The bigger a clown you are, the bigger buffoon you are, the more you can be trusted not to wake the sleeping giant. Therefore, you get more money, money to spend on drugs, gold and diamond teeth, sneakers, cars, and pussy!

KO: Are you saying that wealthy rappers, rappers such as 50 cent, Jay Z, TI, Snoop, P Diddy, and others are clowns… are buffoons?

PM: The rappers that you named; among several others, are examples of the kind of subject matter that gets backed by the wealthy and powerful. These rappers themselves are not wealthy; they are rich, they have a lot of money, paper and gold! But these rappers are absolutely controlled by wealthy white men… most of whom are so-called Jews! This is the truth. What do you know these rappers as… I mean think about it… so-called gangsters, hustlers, crack dealers, pimps, killers… what images are being marketed to the youth by the corporate slave masters? You see, when you prostitute yourself for wealth and power; you have no wealth and power at all. It is the fact that you DON’T have to sell-out that shows the level of power you have. Those rappers you mentioned push bullshit down the throats of the consumers; those rappers that you mentioned receive huge amounts of paper so that they will continue to infiltrate the young impressionable minds with ways and actions of a savage and a crazed people… this is unacceptable. Regardless of the money, it is unacceptable! Their ways and actions, and their position within the master’s plantations show that they are circus clowns and buffoons!

KO: Okay, if that is the truth, why do you think that these rappers continue to sell-out?

PM: Listen… our people, black people, are poverty stricken as a whole. Our people are coming up out of a physical slavery, up into a mental slavery. We want to be kings and rulers… this is because it is in our nature to be that! However, we have been made to be mental slaves, this means that we approach our collective and individual endeavors from the position of a mental slave. Since we have been stripped from the true knowledge of ourselves, we believe that we should be given something; we don’t necessarily believe that we should create something. When you desire to be given something, then you approach those that have something in order to get something! You follow me…

KO: Yeah, I’m with you…

PM: Alright; if somebody has something you want, and you want them to give it to you, you must have something to offer… usually you offer what is in the best interest of he or she that has what you desire or want. This is done to entice the holder to give up what he or she has… in this case, the white boys want the rapper’s talent and soul. By getting control of the rappers and their souls, they can make the rappers say and do what is in the best interest of the corporations and their power brokers, and not what is in the best interest of the rappers, and the people from which the rappers were plucked!

KO: Well if that is the case, what can the rappers do, and what can we do to change this situation?

PM: First off I would say that we have to recognize and acknowledge the fact that we are presently slaves. We must understand the situation that we are in; then we must understand how those who desire to keep us in this position maintain and sustain this position. Second, by understanding the total dynamics of the slave and slave master relationship, we can begin to loosen the grip that restricts us, and prevents us from becoming an independent people. We as black people must realize the power of not our dollars, but the power of our contributions to the economic system of America.

KO: What do you mean by that?

PM: I hear people talk about how much consumer power that black people have; that in order to change our condition we must keep our black dollars within our community… buy black, you know what I mean…? Well that’s true; but, buying black, and circulating the paper dollar within our community is not wealth creation, it does not automatically generate liberation or independence! Buying black is just away to circulate paper from one person to the next… it won’t have the result that we need. It’s a start, but it is far from what the black community actually needs!

KO: So what do we need!
PM: We need wealth, we need control over resources; particularly our resources! If we lack land, if we lack a particular product or commodity that will generate wealth… not money, not paper… but wealth, then we will forever be slaves to those that control and dominate the world’s resources. This is what I am trying to say to the HipHop Nation, your talent is a resource, the athletic talent that is found within the black nation is a resource, and it is a valuable commodity. Our problem is that we approach our talent, we understand our talent as labor, as a means to make money! We don’t seem to recognize the power of our talent and the fact that it is as important and valuable as any other commodity or natural resource. By allowing others to define our individual and collective worth, they can extract the powerful elements of our presence to benefit themselves and there agenda…. WELL, what if we can recognize the power of our talent, of our presence, and utilize that talent in a way that supports our agenda.

KO: I see your point…but how?

PM: Again… it all begins with recognition. Why do outsiders choose to utilize, to contract our talent… is it for money? Not necessarily, they already have money…paper! They utilize us to push an agenda, a message… we are being used as commercials, as America’s spokesmen and women…. Why!? Because the world wants to hear us, the world is amazed by our talents, by our skills, by our resilience, and by our strengths. Just as black people are amazed and enamored by gold and diamonds, the global population is awed by black people and what we have done since slavery! What the slave master has done is contracted our talent, marketed our talent, and slapped a made in America sticker on our ASS! We are being used for their purposes… for their messages.

KO: So how can we get our own message out, how can we market our own agenda?

PM: The internet is the informational super highway. At this point all we have to do is have a desire to push a new message! We have to develop the means and desire to trade our commodity to the world without the assistance of the corporate master. Now of course they have paper, and they want us to take their paper in exchange for our talent; but their paper is not worth anything, it is backed by nothing. If we begin to discipline ourselves, and reevaluate what value is… then we will begin to realize that a Benz or a Cadillac is nothing, it is small in terms of what we really need, or should want in exchange for our talent. We must stop trying to keep up with white folks in terms of their buying habits, their lifestyle, and their societal priorities. It is an allusion, we cannot compete; therefore, what if we stop trying, what if we reject the American commercials that sale a lifestyle that we clearly can’t afford? Well if we do that, if we begin to change our individual and collective priorities, the slave master will be forced to re-examine their methods; thereby allowing us to see them as they are, and allowing us to make the appropriate adjustments that will secure us true liberation and independence!

KO: Thanks bro!

PM: Thank you!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

WHO CONTROLS PUBLICATION: Why You Should Support this Book!

Peace To all My Family and Friends:

As you read this, I hope that you keep in mind that all of us at some point will become humbled by the prospect of separating self from a traditional slave relationship with white folk!


When I first began writing the book “The Hip Hop Nation: Willie Lynch’s Newest Slave”. I did so with my sight on confronting those rappers who I viewed as straight up slaves, and sell outs!

By being a person that has always loved children; and a person that loves the culture of HipHop, I began to see how HipHop was affecting the children around me! The incredible impact that HipHop has had on the youth is CRAZY! I mean I say it all the time during my public lectures…the Christian Pastor has lost his position to the rappers! The preacher can preach all day long, but nothing he says impacts the day to day living rituals of the youth like HipHop does!

Hell, if the rappers say wear tight Jeans…what will the Youth do?

If the rapper says…sip Syrup (codeine cough medicine), what will the youth do?

If the Rapper says call yourself a nigga, and your girl a bitch…what will the youth do!!

So at one time it was what WOULD JESUS Do? But now it is… “what will my favorite rapper do?”

Well anyway, I began writing the book to confront these sellout rappers and what came out they mouth…but as I began to do re-search, as I bought books, and DVD’s, and surfed the web, I began to realize that it is not the rappers themselves that are the BIGGEST problem…but those who are paying the rappers to release such filth!

Now, as I began to research, certain mathematical realties began to connect! I began to see WHY the enemy of black folk have “Secret Societies”. NO, NO, NO, I am not talking about the SKULL and Bones, the Illuminati, The Club of Rome…all of that exists, but I am NOT talking about that!!

What I am saying is that the SOCIETY that is in CHARGE has “SECRETS”! WOW, family, please think for a second! This is not a joke, I know that it seems obvious, but there is a major secret that is getting past us! WATCH!

Do you remember the BOOK and DVD’s that came out about the “SECRET”, you know -- the SECRET that was pushed by OPRAH, the how to maximize your life and wealth TYPE stuff?

Well look, when I was writing my book, I noticed that all the publishers were so-called Jews!! WAIT…please think, EVEN the small NON so-called Jewish publishers can be considered so-called Jews because they CANT do anything substantial WITHOUT those who call themselves Jews! This simply plain truth!

Boarders and Barnes & Nobel are all ran by the so-called Jewish reality! Since the MAJOR publishers control the printing and publication of books…who do these Major Book Stores depend on for their product…and does this even matter?

I KNOW, all this recent talk about the so-called Jewish people seems strange, and may even turn you off a bit, but this is crucial, check this out:

Let me show you what I wrote in the book “The HipHop Nation: Willie Lynch’s Newest Slave”

“Over sixty million newspapers are sold and presumed read each and every day. There are over 1,500 different publications, and though the numbers might cause one to conclude that it would be impossible for anyone or group to distort or control the news, this is far from the truth.

In the past most cities and towns possessed their own independent newspapers. Published by local people with close ties to their community and a vested interest in the news awareness of their consumers, these local entities acted as safeguards to news and information. But unfortunately, today’s so-called local newspapers are owned and controlled by a relatively small number of corporate giants that are controlled by special interest executives that work and live hundreds or even thousands of miles away.

Only around 25 percent of the country’s 1,500 papers are independently owned; the rest belong to multi-newspaper chains. Only 100 of the total number have circulations of more than 100,000. Only a handful is large enough to maintain independent reporting staffs outside their own communities; the rest must depend on these powerful few for all of their national and international news.

Throughout America, only 50 cities have more than one newspaper, and competition is huge even among them, as between morning and afternoon editions under the same ownership. For example, Huntsville, Alabama, morning News and afternoon Times; the Birmingham, Alabama, morning Post Herald afternoon News; the Mobile, Alabama, morning Register and afternoon Press; the Springfield, Massachusetts, morning Union, afternoon News, and Sunday-only Republican; the Syracuse, New York, morning Post-Standard and afternoon Herald-Journal—all owned by the so-called Jewish Newhouse brothers through their holding company, Advance Publications.

This information may be brushed over as merely coincidental and inconsequential; however, if you take the entirety of the information and facts offered within this writing, you can only conclude that those that consider themselves as Jews in today’s society illustrate an insatiable appetite to control all the organs of opinion and media in a global context. The HipHop nation has been placed within the grips of these diabolical masters in a way that lends to the global agenda of those whom consider themselves Jews, and deteriorates the moral fiber of those who do not.

The Newhouse’s own 26 daily newspapers, including several large and important ones. Of these there are the Newark Star-Ledger, the Cleveland Plain Dealer, and the New Orleans Times-Picayune. In addition, to these newspapers, they own the mega book publishing conglomerate, Random House and all its subsidiaries. Newhouse Broadcasting includes 12 television broadcasting stations and 87 cable-TV systems including some of the country’s largest cable networks; the Sunday supplement Parade, with a circulation of more than 22 million copies per week; some two dozen major magazines, including the New Yorker, Vogue, Mademoiselle, Glamour, Vanity Fair, Bride’s, Gentlemen’s Quarterly, Self, House & Garden, and all the other magazines of the wholly owned Conde Nast group. This particular media empire was founded by the so-called Jew, the late Samuel Newhouse, an immigrant from Russia.

It is vital that we understand that newspapers, like other forms of media including television, do not make their profits from individual subscribers. It is advertising revenue that largely pays the editor’s salary and yields the owners profit. Whenever the large corporate advertisers in a particular city choose to favor one newspaper over another with their business, the preferred newspaper will flourish while its competitor dies.

When we understand this fact, we begin to see the overwhelming influence exercised by those that have corporate power and wealth. These corporations can control and restrict the freedom of so-called independent news sources by merely the placement of advertising dollars. This is the sad result of the huge amounts of cash that these corporate leviathans control.

These major corporations have become a dominate economic force, and with the disproportionate rise of the so-called Jewish merchants and the steady rise of American newspapers in so-called Jewish hands, it is easy to see that just as entertainment and music, the news itself is in the hands of a certain few. These few have the financial power and influence to absolutely crush those aspiring media agents that refuse to “tow” the proverbial line, a line that is designed to maximize so-called Jewish control.

It should further be understood, that although there are certain newspapers that are not actually under ownership of the so-called Jewish power force, these newspapers are so thoroughly dependent upon so-called Jewish advertising revenue that their editorial and news reporting policies are largely constrained by so-called Jewish likes and dislikes.

As we close this particular segment, let’s wrap it up with the following:

America’s three most prestigious and influential newspapers are the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Post. The publisher of the New York Times is Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr., the publisher of the Wall Street Journal is the Rhodes Scholar L. Gordon Crovitz, and the Chairman and CEO of the Washington Post is Donald Edward Graham, all of which are so-called Jews.

The Sulzberger family also owns, through the New York Times Co., 33 other newspapers, including the Boston Globe, twelve magazines, including McCall’s and Family Circle with well over 5 million in circulation for each; seven radio and TV broadcasting stations; a cable TV system; and three book publishing companies. The New York Times News Service transmits news stories, features, and photographs from the New York Times by wire to over 5 hundred other newspapers, news agencies, and magazines.

Like the New York Times, the Washington Post exercises huge doses of power and influence. With stakes in television, educational programming, and magazines—including the nations number two largest, Newsweek; the Washington Post helps dominate America’s political capitals.

The Wall Street Journal is America’s financial newspaper and like both the Times and the Post, it completely dominates its market. It sells 1.8 million copies each weekday; it is the nation’s second largest-circulating daily newspaper, behind only the US Today.

Most of New York’s other major newspapers are in no better hands than the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. In January 1993, the New York Daily News was bought from the estate of the late so-called Jewish media mogul Robert Maxwell (born Ludvik Hoch) by so-called Jewish real-estate developer Mortimer B. Zukerman. The Village Voice is the personal property of Leonard Stern, the billionaire so-called Jewish owner of the Hartz Mountain pet supply firm.

At this moment we should be able to see that a population that is considered a minority within the borders of the United States of America actually has huge amounts of power and influence. None of these facts are exaggerated or manipulated in order to support the premise of this book. These facts are what they are, and the consequences of these facts can be argued—but I believe they are clear as well."

Now here is the SECRET:

In studying and doing my research, I noticed the correlation between what is considered mainstream, and what is considered underground…FOLLOW ME!

Those who are in control, would like for all information, so-called truths, and knowledge based materials to pass through their hands, and under their control! Each and every book, that is in Barnes and Nobel, Borders, and Wal-Mart is passed through a network of controls to monitor what the people are reading, and to see what KIND of People are reading it.

Now, in back of each book you will see an ISBN # The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a unique numeric commercial book identifier based upon the 9-digit Standard Book Numbering (SBN) code created by Gordon Foster, now Emeritus Professor of Statistics at Trinity College, Dublin, for the booksellers and stationers W.H. Smith and others in 1966. There is a designated number assigned for every book that is sold!

NOW Look, those who are presently in control…seek to maintain control and power by placing their hands in everything, and I do mean everything! Whether we know it or not, there is a psychological reaction that takes place once we receive the validation of those who are in control. What I mean is this…If I was to place my book in the stores that are ran and owned by those who I am in fact targeting in my book…then those who find my book in those stores will automatically feel as if I am sanctioned by those who in fact make revenue from the sale of my book!

A normal contract between an author and the retail store is 60 – 40, 60 percent for me…and 40 per cent for the retailer! NOW….if my book was found in Boarders…no matter what I say…at least 40 percent of your dollars would be going to a company that I am exposing in a negative light in my book!

Now does that make sense?

THINK: In your MIND I am sanctioned by those who I am attacking…this is what can be considered as an ENTRNAL CONTRADICTION…this means that my book will sub-consciously be stored in your mind as rhetoric! This same dynamic is in play when you can go to any so-called Jewish ran and controlled book store and buy “BEHOLD A PALE HORSE”, and the “PROTOCOLAS of the Learned Elders of ZION”. If those books were SO Powerful..why would the so-called Jews choose to sell it?

By embracing the books, they minimize the affect of said books…they are OUT in front of them!! This dynamic is subtle but effective!

EXAMPLE: If I walked up and gave you a fancy gift wrapped package AND a plain Brown paper bag package…which one would you consider as MORE important? I didn’t say…more expensive, or the one you want more…I said, more important…the average person would say….the brown paper bagged one!

Our minds react differently to secrets or conspiracy than to that which is so-called main stream! As soon as the big people get a hold of certain information, and then place themselves in charge of that information…they have successfully gotten out in FRONT of it!! This means that money is paid to those who you are trying to bring down or expose! LOL… “you can say what you want…but we still are getting paid off of what you say.”

ALSO: Doing this places it (the powerful information) in the catagory of "JUST ANOTHER BOOK"

What I am trying to do is keep the money and dollars in the community that needs them most, what I am trying to do is maintain a system of commerce that minimizes the power and control of those that I had the audacity to expose. You see, The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan has initiated a movement, a movement for us to push away from those that have had their wicked hands in OUR cookie Jar!

EXAMPLE: My book has been available on AMAZON for about 6 months now…I NEVER told anybody to go there, nor have I told anybody that it is available there; but, all you have to do is go to Amazon and search for it…and there it is!! $19.95! Now check this…if you go to Amazon and buy the book…I get $7.20, and they get the rest! Well its simple…why should they get more ends than me, and I wrote the book? Because they are AMAZON, and if my book is found on Amazon, that means that I have more credibility, you follow me! So they charge me an affiliation fee!

To hell with that…it is my desire to do business absent of these 10 percent blood suckers…WE DON’T need their validation, and WE don’t need their help! For us to talk bad about these people, and then to turn around and keep maintaining the same ole relationship is insanity! I have a book that I KNOW is valuable, and I know that is TIMELY…but how can I get it out if YOU don’t support it?

By selling the book on line… pay pal gets a cut, and the bank gets a cut…I cannot get around that until black folk creates a system that we can use to do business on line! I want to get the book out by word of mouth, I want the people that purchase my book to understand that it is not JUST a book, it is something that will hopefully get us to understand how important our unity is! I want to take those who have read the book, and parlay them into a movement where we can generate activity that takes US out of the clutches of those who run everything! Yes, everything…please take this message to heart, and consider these words while you decide how important that it is for you to support this book!

I began writing this book three years ago, just so happens that it is done at a time that The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is broaching this subject like He has never done before. I have made the calculated decision to ride or die with the Minister. I do not do this…because I think that I am someone special or anything like that! I could have wrote any kind of book, in fact, I have several books completed at this moment that will be released soon (Inshallah)!

BUT, this book is so VERY vital in helping the YOUNG ones to know who it is that are in control of a world that they so desperately seek to shine within!

As, these Jewish imposter’s anger begins to kindle, this book along with the crucial books offered by the NATION of Islam…will PROVE without DOUBT that what we claim is in fact true…the So-called Jews RUN the vital Organs of Human existence, and if we do not begin to separate from that control, we will Never come into contact with TRUE Freedom, Justice, and Equality!

Now, Allah (GOD) has blessed me to write these words…I pray that He will put in your heart a desire to read them!

Thank you for your time,

Your Brother, Philip A. Muhammad

to order your copy: