Saturday, November 6, 2010

A RACE to the END: We better Follow the Minister's Instructions!

The world has been set up as a race…think about it! Black and white is a race…the purpose of a race is to WIN. The purpose of the RACE is to make the other lose! What this means is that the race is “not to the SWIFT, but to He who can endure to the end”. This means that the ultimate purpose of the race is to make your opponent "NOT" endure to the end! There is a difference between WINNING and Losing…the race by definition is not just to make it to the end…BUT it is to WIN! Your opponent KNOWS this…but black folk do not!

The black people see each other as the opponent, they are racing against themselves. They desire to advance at the sake of those who have been painted as their opponents by those who are truly their ultimate adversary. The biggest trick the adversary has played is to have black people begin to RACE each other (WILLIE LYNCH), when they should be racing their true opponent. Black people should see themselves as allies…not opponents! The race between black people has individual black people trying to eliminate the other from the RACE…this is backwards, this is wrong!

The first step to WIN the true RACE, is to stop being a RACE and become a Nation!

The Language of your enemy is ALL BAD…there is nothing within the language that secures FREEDOM, JUSTICE, and EQUALITY. English is a Bastard’s Language…all those who depend upon it solely for the transformation of INFORMATION and TRUTH (ENERGY) fights an uphill battle.

There are rules to ENGLISH if you are to have any chance in hell to WIN while using it…the rule is to Speak and Use grammatic pronunciation of words and syllables in Past, Future, Present and Perfect Tense. It is the failure to speak ENGLISH in the PROPER TERM (TIME) that removes its energy! (FREQUENCY, VIBRATION).

This should be considered when you see and hear all the various schools of thought found within our NATION arguing (RACING) with one another not over the language, but over the dialects! These so-called scholars are battling each other over the interpretation that only needs to be re-interpreted because it was the DEVIL (Opponent) that made a translation, or interpretation AFTER they did what?? TOOK OUR LANGUAGE!


“Now you must speak the Language so you can use your Mathematical Theology in the proper Term -- otherwise you will not be successful unless you do speak well, for She knows all about you.”
TERM: is when TIME and MEANING (UNDERSTANDING) make an agreement!
Truth out of Season…there is a TIME to speak!

Past, Present, Future denotes Time (TERM)—Don’t speak out of TURN…NOPE; don’t speak out of TERM!

“What is meant by the Laborers' answers to all LESSONS in the Past, Present and Future being PERFECT is that we must know and be Able to Prove, at all times, to the New Converts that the LESSONS that OUR SAVIOUR (ALLAH) gave us to Study and Learn is the Fulfillment of the Prophecies of All the Former Prophets concerning the Beginning of the Devils, and the Ending of the Civilization, and of our Enslavement by the Devils, and Present Time of our Delivery from the Devils by OUR SAVIOUR (ALLAH). PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME!”

Prophecies are to be fulfilled at the Proper TIME!
TIME means Motion, movement means TIME!

Let’s re-read the above paragraph and replace all the points mentioned concerning TIME with the word MOVEMENT or MOTION! We will also do this with the word Prophecy for it is to be fulfilled in TIME.

“What is meant by the Laborers' answers to all LESSONS in the Past, Present and Future being PERFECT is that we must know and be Able to Prove, with all MOTION, to the New Converts that the LESSONS that OUR SAVIOUR (ALLAH) gave us to Study and Learn is the Fulfillment of the MOVEMENTS of All the Former Prophets concerning the Movements of the Devils, and the Ending of the MOTION of their Civilization, and of our Enslavement by the Devils, and Present MOTION or MOVEMENT of our Delivery from the Devils by OUR SAVIOUR (ALLAH). PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME!”

NOW, the RACE is between two NATIONS that are moving to somewhere! The TIME dictates the Agenda! If we fail to understand the TIME, then we will fail to KNOW the agenda! For this reason our MOVEMENTS will be out of STEP with TIME! Therefore we will be making NO TIME at all!

Please consider the Millions MORE Movement…and the potential power of it if we will choose to Consider the TIME and what MUST be DONE!

Two things cannot occupy the same space at the same TIME…the FINAL DESTINATION (destiny-NATION) is what we seek!

The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught US that there are ONLY TWO Races…the White and the Black!

WILLIE LYCNH separates the one Black RACE (NATION) into several sub-races that battle each other for dominion, none of which have the power to RULE in an absolute way the other elements. The pendulum swings with TIME, one group gains advantage over another only to lose it in a short amount of TIME (movements come and go). The dead body of the Black Nation breaks apart for none has chosen to utilize the Master’s Grip, though all claim to have it!

“Sit yourself in Heaven at “once”! That is the greatest Desire of your Brother and Teachers.”

But we cannot because we are not ONE…we are Fragmented and divided!

We fail to understand the LANGUAGE, there for we cannot accurately consider the TIME!

The Language is NOT the bastard language of English (Trick-language), it is the ORIGINAL LANGUAGE of Mathematics!

We fail to speak the language because “The average man speaks four hundred words - considered well.”
And average Man is not who and what we seek, and average man is NOT what is needed for this extraordinary day and time. We need an above man and woman! We need an optimum individual! We need a New man and woman! We need GOD!
If we are to be GOD, if we are to see the power of GOD…we MUST:

“speak the Language so you can use your Mathematical Theology in the proper Term -- otherwise you will not be successful unless you do speak well, for She knows all about you.”
And of course we all have a duty; and what is that duty?

“To teach the uncivilized people, who are savage - civilization (righteousness, the knowledge of himself, the science of everything in life- love, peace and happiness).”

NOTICE the words “To teach”!


“NO man can be Successful in “Teaching” a People that cannot speak, Clearly, the People's Language.”

So if we FAIL to learn the LANGUAGE, and fail to speak the Language…we would have not yet QUALIFIED ourselves or grown into our NEW selves, we would be less than average; we would still be babies in the LANGUAGE!

“The Laborers are liable to punishment if found using Baby Language at any time.”

WHY? Baby language shows that WE are not speaking past, present, future perfect tense! We are not up into the TIME, therefore our movement or Motion will not be successful! (We will be dogmatic in words, thought, and deeds.)

This is not simply to mean profanity…it is profane for us to continue to mis-understand the language and not use it correctly! Again…the LANGUAGE is Mathematics, and the dialects are the different translations or interpretations that are being argued about because we are stuck in the PAST! (Egypt vs. Moor vs. Muslim vs. Hindu vs. Christianity vs. Africa vs. Asia vs. Arabia vs. any and everything that was translated by that trader 379 years ago)


REMEMBER: “Why should the Lost-Founds Disbelieve and Dispute with one another about OUR SAVIOUR (ALLAH) and HIS Work of Delivering? Cannot a Fool see that a Mighty Change is in Progress in every Living Creature?”

ACTUALLY this is the whole statement made by Master Fard Muhammad, the ONE that so many continuously argue against and disrespect! Is it not interesting that HE foresaw right into today’s modern TIME (movements)?!

“What is meant by the Laborers' answers to all LESSONS in the Past, Present and Future being PERFECT is that we must know and be Able to Prove, at all times, to the New Converts that the LESSONS that OUR SAVIOUR (ALLAH) gave us to Study and Learn is the Fulfillment of the Prophecies of All the Former Prophets concerning the Beginning of the Devils, and the Ending if the Civilization, and of our Enslavement by the Devils, and Present Time of our Delivery from the Devils by OUR SAVIOUR (ALLAH). PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME!
There is No God but ALLAH. How that ALLAH would separate us from the Devils and, then destroy them; and Change us into a New and Perfect People; and Fill the Earth with FREEDOM, JUSTICE and EQUALITY as it was filled with wickedness; and Making we, the Poor Lost-Founds, the Perfect RULERS. Therefore if we have not this Understanding, we are Yet Blind to HIM that has come to SAVE us. For this is OUR SAVIOUR'S Desire - that we should Know HIM as OUR GOD AND Saviour, and that Besides HIM there is NO SAVIOUR for us.

Why should the Lost-Founds Disbelieve and Dispute with one another about OUR SAVIOUR (ALLAH) and HIS Work of Delivering? Cannot a Fool see that a Mighty Change is in Progress in every Living Creature?”
(I hope that we spend a considerable amount of time thinking over and considering in detail the above words)

Our failure to Speak the Language in its Proper Term is preventing us from truly performing OUR duty…and what happens if we FAIL to Perform our duty?

“If a civilized person does not perform his Duty, which is Teaching civilization to others, they should be punished with a severe punishment. (Ezekiel - Chapter 3, 18th verse; St. Luke - Chapter 12, 47th verse).”

TEACHING CIVILIZATION: Cannot be achieved if we fail to speak the Language!

“NO man can be Successful in Teaching a People that cannot speak, Clearly, the People's Language.”
(Please consider the word CLEARLY…CLEAR)

NOW who will PUNISH those who fail to perform their DUTY?

“the civilized person is held responsible for the uncivilized and he must be punished by the Nation of Islam.”

For all those who think you are in the NATION of ISLAM!! Stop and think…are you really!!?

Have you BEEN admitted INTO the Nation of Islam?

AND if you think that you ARE in the Nation of Islam…SHOW AND PROVE that!

For the Nation of Islam is what?

“The Nation of Islam is all-wise and does everything right and exact.”
QUESTION: are we “all-wise”? And do we do “everything right and exact”?

So if we are NOT that…how can we be OF that? We are NOT!! We are trying to QUALIFY Ourselves for THAT!

REMEMBER: Islam IS Mathematics, and Mathematics IS Islam!
RELIGION practice and dictates are NOT the makings of a TRUE MUSLIM!
Mathematical understanding and application is the true standard of a True Muslim!
Finally…I would hope that we will see that Master Fard Muhammad gave US instructions, it is THESE instructions that HE desires US to fulfill!

WHAT is our FIRST INSTRUCTION from the ONE that we CLAIM to be GOD?

“The student must study his Assignment--Lesson #1. Each Student should copy the Answers of Lesson of Minister, Elijah Muhammad, and study until the Student is able to memorize, By Heart, all Answers to, of said, Lesson #1.
NOTE: Here, Lesson #1 is said to be the Student's Assignment-"First."
LESSON #1 lays the Base of our Work today; and gives the Student a Clear Knowledge of Himself and His Heavenly Home, the Best Part of the Earth; and who is the enemy to him and his Nation; and why the enemy and Righteous could not live together; and why was the Righteous able to Cast Out his enemy. This teaches the student what he must do with the enemy of the Righteous today. THE Righteous Nation is, now, Living in every part of the planet Earth. Therefore the enemy must, now, be removed in every part of the planet Earth.

Why is Stress made to the Muslims to Copy, the Minister, Elijah Muhammad's Answers?

The past History shows that the ALMIGHTY ALLAH sends Prophets and Apostles for the people's Guide and Example, and through them HIS Mystery was Revealed. And those who follow the Apostle would see the Light.”

These Instructions are BORN from within HIS WILL for US!! So if we fail to follow HIS Original Instructions, how can we be considered MUSLIM in the simplest of Terms?
If you are NOT SPOOKY, if you are NOT like the average Christian, Muslim or what not that calls upon a mystery god…HOW can you claim to be NOT THAT (spooky), how can you CLAIM the TRUE and Living GOD named Master Fard Muhammad…YET…fail to follow HIS INSTRUCTIONS?

FAILURE to do so means you are NOT a MUSLIM…PERIOD! You can call yourself one (MUSLIM), but a true MUSLIM is one who SUBMITS HIM/HER self to do ALLAH’s (GOD’S) WILL! And ALLAH’s WILL is CLEAR, CLEAR, CLEAR, CLEAR today! (please consider the word clear)
It is this failure to follow HIS instructions that make many of us look like personality worshipping followers that swing from the JOCK of Farrakhan! We actually do the Minister a DIS-SERVICE by screaming and yelling HIS name while at the same time failing to follow the instructions of the ONE that we say brought forth The Honorable Minister Louis FARRAKHAN!

By NOT following our instructions…whatever comes out of our mouth is NOT being considered!!
Because we are NOT speaking CLEARLY! (clear, clear, clear, clear!)
WE are NOT being Considered BY WHO??
No Damn BODY!! (We are being ignored)

“The Laborers must Speak and Use grammatic pronunciation of words and syllables in Past, Future, Present and Perfect Tense. The Laborer's answers to All Lessons must be in the above Language. Others will not be considered.” (Define the word consider)
If we do not speak the Language correctly, in the Proper TERM we will not be able to “Prove, at all times, to the New Converts that the LESSONS that OUR SAVIOUR (ALLAH) gave us to Study and Learn is the Fulfillment of the Prophecies of All the Former Prophets concerning the Beginning of the Devils, and the Ending if the Civilization, and of our Enslavement by the Devils, and Present Time of our Delivery from the Devils by OUR SAVIOUR (ALLAH).”

The failure to follow our instructions will cause us all to be PUNISHED by the said Nation of Islam!

This puts US in a terrible position…we begin to be seen as an enemy of our people because we have failed to perform our duty! (please think)
Judgment STARTS in the HOUSE of GOD! And don’t act like the house of GOD is a CHURCH, the house of GOD is the TRUE place GOD showed up!! You can’t claim GOD one second, and dis-claim HIM another!

If we say GOD came and chose US, if we claim that we wrote GOD a letter, if we claim that GOD saved the MESSENGER from a DEATH PLOT, if we claim that Farrakhan is God’s MAN, then dammit you better know that our HOUSE is the FIRST to be JUDGED!!

Not the ONLY one…but certainly the FIRST!! And we are LIVING right now in the TIME of Judgment!! (Judgment is the TIME that everything will tell the TRUTH of itself)

So the MINISTER (I LOVE THIS MAN) has discovered why we are so DAMN hard headed, and why we REACT the wrong way all the damn time!! Why we fail to follow instructions even when we KNOW better!! The Minister has been blessed to GIVE us the methods by which, and through which we can begin to LEARN-LEARN-LEARN-LEARN-LEARN to finally follow instructions!

Not ONLY is our ability to follow instructions under examination, but our love for the Minister and subsequently GOD’s Mercy is under examination as well!!


Because the DIRECTION that the Minister is sending us APPARENTLY looks wrong! We are this VERY minute in the MIDDLE of SURAH 18—Moses Travels with the WISE MAN in Search of Knowledge!
The Minister’s instruction is not ONLY our Mercy, but it is simultaneously OUR Trial and Test!

If we refuse to FOLLOW the directions of the MINISTER...then it only shows and proves that the WHITE man (HUBBARD) will prevent you from following a man that you SAY (CLAIM) have done so much for you! This failure to follow the MINISTER at this CRUCIAL TIME (MOVEMENT, MOTION) will show and prove a tremendous level of INGARTITUDE!

And ALLAH Hates INGRATITUDE!! It is this INGRATITUDE that will absolutely and unapologetically call on the FULL and COMPLETE wrath of GOD!

The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad stated that if we would just stay with HIM for about 6 months, HE would have us so smart that the white man would be like a little string that is placed upon our finger. He stated that we wouldn’t even KNOW he existed except if we looked down. What this shows us is twofold…ONE; if the white man is NOT on our finger like a string, are we all that smart?

AND SECOND: If we are not that smart…are we really with The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad at all!

If the white man is likened to a string around our finger, why would he be factored at all into our ability to follow a man that we say (CLAIM) has done so much for us, and that we LOVE so much??

The Instructions given to us by The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan will separate the TRUE students and followers from the FALSE ones!!

AND…our prayer says Make Muhammad, AND the TRUE followers of Muhammad Successful!!

But Successful in what?

“NO man can be Successful in Teaching a People that cannot speak, Clearly, the People's Language.”

May Allah Bless us all with a greater understanding in this crucial time!!

Bro. Philip A. Muhammad
As-Salaam Alaikum

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Opinions, Thoughts and Motives: The Origin of Filthy Lyrics

The Following is A Major excerpt from my follow up book to The HipHop Nation: Willie Lynch's Newest Slave.

The sequal which should be available in early fall is entitled "Ya'll Should All Get Lynched: A Look into the Heart and Soul of Today's Biggest Sell-out Rappers"

Please take your time to Read this, and let me know what you think; it is a PRE edited version so bear with me!

Opinions, Thoughts and Motives: The Origin of Filthy Lyrics

As we advance into the core of this writing, we will now begin to dig deeper into the thoughts and motives that have born what is today considered as the culture of HipHop, or the HipHop Nation. These next few pages will prime us for the complete understanding of why the words and actions of the 2010 version of the Uncle Tom must be destroyed…follow along closely, and don’t get restless, cause this shit is interesting! Smile

Since the time we were born, from the doctor to the nurses; OUR parents to OUR grandparents… as we sat OUR beaten and bruised bodies in the pseudo comforts of the incubator found within the confines of an environment that was meant to simulate peace and comfort, WE have been poked and prodded, observed and critiqued from an angle or perspective that was located outside of YOU and YOUR consciousness. Regardless if people love you or not, like you or not… regardless if the relationship is bonded by blood or marriage, contract or sense of obligation—as they observe and interact with YOU, people automatically characterize YOU and form judgments, these judgments have less to do with facts, and more to do with the perception of what they assume are facts. These perceptions, whether true or false, almost correct or slightly wrong, when expressed become OPINION, and although everyone is entitled to one… NO ONE and I mean absolutely NO ONE, has to give a fifth of a shit about the opinion or the person that gives it! Including me!

Opinions don’t mean a damn, until or unless WE accept them as fact! A fact is based and established upon proof. A fact is a mathematical reality that is based upon, and comprised of the non-emotional and objective gathering of data or information! Although a person’s opinion can be proven as fact, a fact can never be reduced to an opinion… get it!

The problem with opinion is simple, opinions are an estimation or conclusion based upon the subjective observation of information and data… this information is then filtered through a brain or mind that is subjected to personal bias, prejudices, and attitudes; without the verifiable evidence that can be acknowledged as proof, opinion can only be seen as an unsubstantiated judgment levied at an person(s), place(s), or thing(s). This judgment, without proof or the indelible presence of fact, should be considered as nothing more than unmitigated gall, the audacity of speculation—or simply … bullshit! What this means is simple…a culture or cultivation is defined as:


2 : the act of developing the intellectual and moral faculties especially by education

3 : expert care and training

4 a : enlightenment and excellence of taste acquired by intellectual and aesthetic training b : acquaintance with and taste in fine arts, humanities, and broad aspects of science as distinguished from vocational and technical skills

5 a : the integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depends upon the capacity for learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generations b : the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group; also : the characteristic features of everyday existence (as diversions or a way of life} shared by people in a place or time c : the set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution or organization d : the set of values, conventions, or social practices associated with a particular field, activity, or societal characteristic

The above shows that a CULTURE can be the result of the acceptance of an opinion, regardless if the opinion is good or bad, right or wrong, an opinion that is accepted as fact will result into a fruit, or a result…simply put: an opinion that is reinforced by societal machinations can result into what many call a self-fulfilling prophecy! EXAMPLE: The opinion that “Most Black People are on welfare” held by those with a certain level of power and influence, can result into a reality that renders a huge amount of Black people on what—Welfare! The opinion began as only that, but the belief, power, agenda and influence of someone that holds that opinion will cause simple minded people to accept the opinion as fact! (SELF-FULFILLING PROPHECY) OR…when the Opinion is constantly shoved or scientifically injected into an unsuspecting, or subjugated mind or minds those individuals can begin to act out the opinions of the controlling group, thereby validating the opinion or claim(s)…again, SELF-FULFILLING PROPHECY! It is for this reason among others that in the book The HipHop Nation: Willie Lynch’s Newest Slave…I spent considerable time exposing those that are in fact in control of public opinion and the way it is maintained and manipulated.

Although certain elements of truth can be found within an opinion, it is important that WE never accept opinion as truth, unless or until it is proven and has been accepted as fact. As long as WE understand that opinion is nothing more than the perception of what someone(s) has accepted or solicited to others as truth, WE will go along way in OUR fight against those that wish to UN-justly characterize US!

And please believe…there is certainly a fight going on! Within the dominate culture of America, within the historical traditions and moral and legal constructs of America, the black man and woman… in fact all non whites have been told and systematically indoctrinated to believe that they were less than those who had white skin…this is a fact, not an opinion! I would go into the citing of books, writings and speeches to prove this point, but hell—look in your everyday Department of education school book for proof; it will certainly prove my point! Never the less, if you re-examine the Willie Lynch Letter and the Making of a Slave document, you will see that the focus is primarily on the mind of the salve, and how it can be manipulated into believing that it is inferior! Well yes, of course the mind of a slave is inferior to the slave master…but the slave mind, or mentality is not natural, it is the result of a outside thought or opinion that has either coerced or forced itself on the mind of another…simply put, the slave mentality is the result of someone’s opinion being accepted either by force, or by permission.

The American indoctrination machine known as the Public School System, has fed the students the lie that the first slaves arrived on the continent of North America in the year 1619, well this has been shown to be bullshit, an outright lie! The fact is that the first Africans arrived on the continent in the year 1555, on a slave ship named Jesus. Well what is the difference right… well let me show you. The difference between 1619 and 1555 is 64 sixty-four years…yeah, this is the sixty-four (64) million dollar question? What happened between the year of 1555 and 1619? Simple—the so-called Africans did not hit the shores of America as slaves; they hit the shores of America as men, women, and children that were the victims of an imperialistic invasion and kidnapping! Period, point blank…the white folks of the world got together and planned and orchestrated the biggest fucking human abduction ever!! Yeah, the earth’s aliens abducted millions of people and took them to a wilderness (North America) to work for them, to build them a world! But before they could get the benefit of the slaves…they had to first Make the Slaves! This process took 64 years! So yeah, the first Africans hit the continent in 1555, but the first slaves didn’t arrive until 1619—get it?

Look at it this way…the imperialistic conquerors that masqueraded as pious Christians and saints treated the minds of the so-called Africans like a big ass chalk board, they systematically by force and coercion erased the knowledge, wisdom, and understanding of the mind of the projected slave, and then wrote upon it their own thoughts and opinions…thoughts and opinions that were born from their powerful motivation of making a slave, or a tool for their personal and collective agenda. Although it is said that the Willie Lynch Letter and the Making of the Slave was penned at a later date…please don’t for one second believe that them crackers at the first slave camp failed to know what the hell they were doing. The basis of making a slave was and is to subject a person or group with an opinion that will be consistently and systematically be presented and enforced as fact! Lets keep going!

Although we have cowards, intellectually or otherwise that want to dismiss the conversation and subsequently the relevance of slavery on not only black people but the world, the fact remains that we can only deliberate the current state of global affairs within the framework of the African slave Holocaust. This is real simple to understand when we accept the fact that the present power and political reality of the so-called modern world was born from the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. Therefore, any true or realistic solution to any of the world’s problems begins and ends with the ability of all those involved to look at the slave and slave master relationship and how it is socially, politically, and economically played out in the world. Anyone, regardless if they are black or white, that refuses to deal with this issue, or that attempts to reduce it to simply a blight on the historical calendar is a joke, and needs to be seen as a clown, an open enemy, or traitor!

Now…all of US, every person that lives on this big blue ball of water and dirt, must at some point realize that WE are in the middle of a big ass fight, a fight between fact and opinion! Wars have been fought, and wars are being fought right now, at this very moment over opinions and perceptions. Real lives are being affected by artificial facts, and someone’s stupid ass opinion(s).

As society attempts to dictate an agenda, an agenda that’s basis is found squarely on the back of opinion; WE as citizens find ourselves operating within a bubble that is the result of somebody else’s hot air. If at anytime WE choose to burst this bubble WE are inevitably attacked with a barrage of self-appointed scholars and experts shooting off their mouths like a wild west Gatling gun.

At some point WE have to understand that those in power want to continuously burden US with their own perspective and opinions. That regardless if WE like it or not, WE have been placed inside of a box, this box is built on other people’s notions, other people’s assertions, and other people’s opinions.

Through text-books, news and entertainment, religion and society in general, we are programmed from a very young age to bow down and capitulate to the opinions of others. By caring too much about others and their view of the world, WE have given up the sovereignty of OUR own minds and have been preoccupied with fulfilling the mental images drawn up by the opinions of those that don’t give a shit about YOU or YOUR personal success and happiness! Let’s make it real clear…we are being forced through the social, economic, political, educational, and religious manipulations of outsiders, to prove their opinions and thoughts of us as FACT!

Each and every person that you have encountered in your life time; regardless if it’s a friend or foe, family member or mentor, has an agenda, a desire, a perception, and certainly an opinion. Even our parents, bless their hearts… have an agenda, an agenda for themselves, and an agenda for you!

WE were all born with certain physical and biological traits, WE all have hormones and our brains are pretty much wired the exact same way. The psychological, emotional, and physical characteristics of all human beings, regardless of race, creed, or color are so similar (ALTHOUGH NOT TOTALLY IDENTICAL), that there is no major out cry when WE are all placed in a big bag of expectation known as the human family.

Within this context… it should be accepted that “as a man thinketh in his heart” so is He; why? Because thoughts are nothing but opinion, thoughts manifest themselves in the mind in two forms, words and images. Try it; think of something, what you think is either a word or an image, nothing else. It is the presence of these words and images (thought) that act as seeds. This seed once planted in the appropriate environment, an environment that is conducive to its growth, generates life; life is nothing but words and images seeking to express themselves! It does not matter if these thoughts (seeds) are right or wrong, true are false; within the appropriate environment, they will grow, and like all seeds, will contain within them the capacity to create more seeds.

Show me a dead person, and I will show you a person who has not developed, or has lost the ability to develop a mental picture of words and images into reality; this person, breathing or not is DEAD!

With this in mind, what happens when your thoughts are really not your own, or worse yet; what happens when your thoughts are born from the opinion of others? This means that every thought, every image that acts as a seed of your life activity is shaped and based upon the words and images of an outsider! When the opinion of others, when the thoughts of others dictate your self perception, and the life activity that springs from your self image; that opinion ceases from being an opinion and emerges as fact!

You cannot rise above your own thoughts; therefore, you must control the words and images that cross your borders and enters your mind. Failure to do so allows the illegal aliens of outside perception and opinion to circumvent your physiological independence and threaten your mental sovereignty.

Ego vs. Super Ego

WE must understand that thoughts are subjective; therefore, thoughts are opinions! Opinions are nothing more than ideas that have yet to be proven. When WE have an opinion of something, someplace, or someone, WE manifest behavioral traits and actions that reflect that opinion. Some of US are masters of deception; therefore WE can mask OUR opinions under a false veneer, a veneer that could be seen as a fig leaf. This fig leaf could be identified as EGO or Super EGO; both live beneath the surface, and both can be masked by artificial behaviors and flagrant deception!

Without going deep into the science of ego and super ego; allow me to point this out… ego is the perception of self, and the subsequent presentation of that self. It does not matter if the presentation or perception is correct or not, ego is that which a person has presented to the world as true. Super ego is when perception/presentation and reality meet! This meeting could be cordial or hostile; it all depends on the authenticity of the ego. SIMPLY PUT: A person’s ego is what the person is selling to the world as true, it may be true, or it may not be true! Super Ego is the underlying mental reality or disposition that is actual, it’s not what you want to be, it’s what you are!

When ego and super ego meet, if there is a gulf between fact and opinion of self where the ego is concerned, the super ego will most definitely point it out! If the ego refuses to submit to the fact and truths of itself, and maintains a false opinion of itself, the super ego will make sure that there is constant inner turmoil and strife. This strife and turmoil, like all workings of the mind, will manifest itself in the physical environment of that self. In fact; the environment itself would be the mathematical result and product of a war that is being fought between the ego and super ego. Inner peace will be a distant place, and hell will be the constant reality! Sort of like the ghetto huh?

Before we move forward, please allow me to make another point that will aid to the foundational premise of this writing…


The Motivational Energy Behind All Things In Existence

Since I slipped into the topic of ego and super ego, I feel it necessary to comment on what is commonly referred to as the spirit.

Okay, if as individuals WE did not create OURSELVES; meaning, without OUR parents WE would not be here. Then it is clear that OUR presence is the result of something that WE did not directly participate in. In the language of mathematics WE are considered as the effect (result), not the cause. (Think about this seriously, all of this will be proven as important as we continue)

If this is true, then WE concede that there is a series of events within various plains of existence, both seen and unseen that lead US to this very moment in time. I mean this to say, WE are the result of not just the physical actions (act of reproduction) of OUR parents, but WE are also the results of the thoughts and circumstances that lead to their physical interactions. This is something to greatly consider when WE stop to think that OUR parents are the result of the same reality in regards to their parents. This chain of thought and action goes in both directions, forward and backwards.

If every action is preceded by thought, regardless if it is negative or positive, right or wrong, true are false, then is it logical to conclude that thought is the cause of everything?

Since thought is the cause of everything, what created thought itself? Many believe that God, or the creative force or source of ALL things is a spirit… question; what is A spirit, what IS spirit? Have WE ever truly thought about it? What IS spirit… is it a puff of smoke? Is it a gas? Is it a solid? Is it a liquid? Since WE have been conditioned to yield a huge amount of power to the spirit, or the presence of a spirit; wouldn’t it be intelligent of US to consider these questions?

Is a spirit material? If spirit is material doesn’t by definition that suggests it is made of something? What is it made of… even if WE don’t have a word for what it is made of; it has to be made of something, right? (Think about it) Some say that the spirit is made up of nothing; despite the fact that this assertion makes absolutely no mathematical sense, if WE take it as fact… the question would then be; how can something that is made up of nothing, create some thing?! But even more importantly, WHY?!

If the spirit is made up on nothing: and nothing was once all that existed… what was the material that it used to bring about the base of all creation? What material did it draw from to bring forth that which IS material? Since the spirit would be made of nothing it would be impossible to even draw from itself to create the Physical Universe!

I believe that logical reasoning leads US to understand that if there is a spirit it must be made of something; if not, it would not be given a name of distinction. The fact that WE name things suggests that whatever is named is distinct from that which is named differently. Since WE have a name for spirit it must be made of something, but what? If spirit were nothing, WE would simply call it nothing!

When WE think of spirit, what do WE think… what do WE perceive as the purpose of spirit? Since thought is the cause of it all, what thought preceded that gave spirit its justification for existence? You see, many of US fail to look deeper into the words that formulate OUR beliefs and subsequent action. Regardless of OUR religious affiliation, WE are forced by the simple presence of sanity to identify and acknowledge the obvious.

WE often consider the sprit as the motivational energy that precedes action. Since this motivational energy is fueled by direct thought, is the spirit the cause or the effect? What is this motivational energy? It is the energy that moves US to fulfill an idea, intent, and a plan! Motivational energy moves US to answer questions, it fulfills desire; also, out of what spirit do WE navigate OUR daily activity, what is OUR disposition, what is OUR mood, attitude… what drives US through the daily rigors that accompany OUR life activity, or existence? It is this energy that is created by motion that could be seen as the motivational spirit or force… and this force is fueled by, and composed of thought.

When WE do or say something, out of what spirit do WE manifest OUR thoughts, OUR mental images and words? What is the spirit of OUR conversation, out of what spirit do WE sing a song, continue to work a task, fulfill an obligation, interact with people; what is OUR motivation, how strong is that motivation. Motivation is the spirit (energy) from which WE do a thing, OUR thoughts determine the level and intensity of OUR motivation, a strongly motivated individual can accomplish great things.

The thought that lends to motive, also creates intent; whether conscious or subconscious, thoughts create movement and action. The difference between intent and motive is clear; intent is a desired conclusion, motive is the underlying objective/reason that fuels the process that allows US to arrive at a desired conclusion.

Motivation is an energy that can be felt, and also fueled. Motivation is fueled by thought and the kindling of an isolated passion that depended upon its level, can generate activity. Do WE have vengeful spirit, a hateful spirit, a vindictive spirit, a loving spirit, a compassionate spirit, a generous spirit, or a humble spirit; spirit in this context can be viewed as a word WE choose to use to identify the fact that thought, and the real energy (motivation) generated by thought is the force behind all things in existence.

Honest action is the revealer of motive and intent, deceitful action is used to shield true motive, intent, and the thought that predicates it. No matter how cleaver the intended deceiver may be, thorough study of action(s) and words will ultimately reveal the motives or thoughts that the would-be deceiver is attempting to conceal.

If WE understand that spirit can be weak or strong, weaker or stronger, then this recognition causes US to ask the question… what strengthens or weakens OUR spirit? Since spirit can be seen as motivational, or the propelling energy, and thought fuels the motivation that generates any action, isn’t it logical to conclude that thought(s) both weakens and strengthens OUR spirit? Since it (thought) can add to; and also, take away from, is it not then the sum total of? (Think)

With the above words in mind, lets now get a little deeper into our subject…lets start by looking at the following lyrics and examining the mind that generates the thoughts that manifest themselves as lyrics and subsequent behaviors.

SLAVE: Lil Wayne

Album: The Carter III

Song: Playing With Fire

Plantation: Universal Music Group

SLAVE MASTER: Jean-Bernard Lévy and Doug Morris

So you've got so many diamonds

You wear all the finest clothes

And your grill is shining (shining, shining)

As you're drivin down the streets of gold

But you, can't, blame, me, if I set this stage on fire!


Within this minor verse, we see the constant fascination that the average rapper has with diamond and gold. These to elements that are found in the earth have value associated with it. But for a moment, think… would GOD place these valuable metals and stones in the earth simply so that it could be worn around the neck of an ignorant ass rapper, or in the ears, tongues, nipples and noses of a man or woman that is gyrating (setting on fire) on a damn stage? Of course not!

Well here is the problem…the rappers themselves are precious creations of the God, or the Creator; these individuals are natural resources themselves! By not having a true and thorough knowledge of themselves, these rappers are controlled by outsiders for the benefit of an agenda that if understood, is diametrically opposed to the best interest of the rapper and the community from which the rapper is born. Failure to accurately estimate their true value has caused the rappers to feel as if they have to adorn themselves with metals and stones in order to enhance their self esteem.

As victims of an oppressed ghetto mentality, the corporate power brokers can easily go into the breeding grounds of black talent, and excavate, and dig for those raw materials that exist (black, brown, and red talent), and then snatch them up, melt them into what they desire, and then utilize them to sale or pitch a message that is conducive for the growth and advancement of an agenda, or global ambition! Simply put: Corporations wear the average sellout rapper around their fingers…just as the rappers wear and flaunt their diamond and gold jewelry and teeth! It should be understood, rappers have a seemingly insatiable desire for gold, platinum, and diamonds…but these metals and stones are controlled by outsiders, powerbrokers that have a global ambition and plan; therefore, the rappers are controlled by those that posses and control that which the rappers desire!

Although rappers want to wear these precious metals and stones around their necks like modern day slave chains…those that control and posses these metals not only use them to produce and manufacture weapons and tools that lead to global domination, but these individuals use these GOD given materials to control the most precious creation of all…the black, brown, and red peoples (original people) of the world! (think)

It is an obvious observation that allows us to recognize that the systematic making of a slave has resulted in a people (slaves) that receive their individual and collective moral cues, and spiritual talking points and aspirations from their oppressors. Black people, those that are the spiritual, mental, and physical descendants of a slave class, have developed within a system that has shaped not only their personal perception of self, but has also violently influenced their perception of the world and its social, religious, and educational politic! The descendants of slaves have been systematically and methodically indoctrinated into a thought and behavior that is the result of a perverted value structure that is imposed upon them by their masters. As the slave master had their eyes set on ruling the world, the slave master systematically made the slaves focus not on the ambition of ruling the world, but set the slave’s sights on obtaining the objects, trinkets, degrees, and certifications that the slave master controls! SIMPLY PUT: As the master focused on ruling the world, the salves were taught to focus on what they can get from those that set out to control everything! The slaves were taught not to value self, because they were taught that self had no value…but, they were taught if they wanted to obtain perceived value, they must obtain those things of value from the master that sought to control all things! Let’s continue!

Momma always told me I was crazy

And my ho's say I'm amazing but I don't listen to a lady

But the bitch say I'm hot, and I say no bitch I'm blazin

Like, what the fuck you expect I'm a motherfuckin Cajun

And I feel caged in my mind, it's like my flow doin time

I goes crazy inside, but when it comes out it's fine

Like wine, wait, watch

See I get better with time like a watch

Osh B'Gosh, Posh Spice husband couldn't kick it like I kick it, bitch

I "'Kix" it, no cereal like a landing and I sticks it

Wherever she asks me, after she licks it

That's too explicit, but why you listenin

I smell smoke and somethins sizzlin

That's her pussy, so hey pussy, play wit pussy or play pussy

But you, can't, blame, me, if I set this stage on fire!

Here, the slave lil Wayne says his momma told him he was crazy! Well hell, lets define crazy…


cra•zi•er, cra•zi•est

Affected with madness; insane.

Informal Departing from proportion or moderation, especially:

Possessed by enthusiasm or excitement: The crowd at the game went crazy.

Immoderately fond; infatuated: was crazy about boys or girls…or what rappers would call bitches and hoes.

Intensely involved or preoccupied: is crazy about cars and racing.

Foolish or impractical; senseless: a crazy scheme for making quick money. ( Jewelry included)

Well damn…if you take any portion of the “little” Wayne’s lyrics serious, you would have to conclude that momma, like most times, was certainly right—her son is CRAZY (as hell).

The definition of crazy is manifested within not only the lyrics quoted above, but in most of this slave’s songs. This slave, as well as MOST of today’s rappers can be seen as crazy within the parameters of the above definition. These slaves are crazy about cars, crazy about money, cash, and jewelry…they are fascinated with whom they call bitches and hoes…their quest for what they articulate as pussy causes them to do anything and everything to gain, or obtain that which they are crazy about! But once again, that which is driving them crazy is literally controlled by their master!

The motive and intent…meaning the purpose of the raps and musical production of the rapping slaves can be seen within the manifested expression of their thoughts. The thoughts of these rappers, the desire of these slaves, are shown in high definition as you listen to, and watch the music videos that these slaves produce. These slaves that grew up within the manipulated environment of the ghetto were socially engineered into a creature that desires that which had been systematically kept from them. By creating a deprivation mentality, the masters caused those that historically lacked what was presented as valuable to hunger for, and subsequently seek that which was controlled and manipulated by the master, or corporate controllers. When a rapper chooses to exclaim and brag that they have made it, out the ghetto, or otherwise…what you really are hearing them say is that they finally can obtain and enjoy those things that have been systematically and methodically kept from them. In most cases these things are the acquisition of money, jewelry, fancy cars…and the ability to have sex with a white girl! Please understand that white girls in 2010 can be found within the body of so-called black women…sort of like an AVATAR-IAN experience.

(Eh, heh)

They say you're nobody 'til somebody kills you

But where I'm from you're nobody til you kill somebody

And you know what they say

When you're great it's not murder it's assassinate

So assassinate me, bitch

Cause I'm doing the same shit Martin Luther King did

Checkin in the same hotel in the same suite bitch same balcony

Like assassinate me bitch

Swim to him, cheay

I don't rap, I film movies, with my rap

You can call me Mr. Directors chair

Yeah, and that's a wrap

Cut on to the next

Not the next scene, bitch the next check

Some say the X, makes the sex 'spect's

So play wit the pussy or play pussy

So you got so many diamonds (hey pussy, lay pussy)

You wear all the finest clothes (do or die say pussy and I say)

And your grill is shining (I say, lay pussy, lay pussy, lay pussy)

As you're drivin down the streets of gold (hey pussy)

But you, can't, blame, me, if I set this stage on fire! (hey pussy)

(Don't play pussy!)

(Get em!)

Wow…examine these words, and as you examine these words, please understand that these words are the expression of what is in the mind of this so-called black man, that is really a slave! This brother named lil Wayne is the product of white folk, this guy is articulating a so-called moral desire and freedom that was born from and within the societal construct known as the United States. What I am saying is this…this rapper and all those that find a spiritual connect to his words and behaviors have been bitten by a snake, this snake can be seen in its complete and thorough form as an outright dragon that is pulling the world into an abyss that will burn them to the core! I am not exaggerating…here the slave makes reference to him being great; he attempts to make a parallel between himself and Martin Luther King! Why? He is imposing upon his own understanding, and subliminally suggesting to the listener that his ability to do what he is doing, to purchase what he purchases, to say what he feels or thinks, was that which Dr. Martin Luther King died for! Not only is this rhetoric a lie…it is blasphemous!

This rapping slave blurs the line of true freedom by associating his ability to be a walking, talking, and breathing pig or swine that can consume all that its heart desires. The American rendition of so-called freedom is never followed with the inseparable elements of true freedom, which is justice and equality! The Eurocentric definition of Freedom is connected to the ability to do what the hell you want to, when, and how you want to do it, no matter who or what it adversely affects! Mr. King did not die for this rendition of so-called freedom…and this slave Mr. Wayne has a filthy mind, desire, word and behavior that in a truly free society would get him killed, NOT assassinated…but straight EXECUTED!

His words concerning the female is inexcusable, his words concerning her and her sexual attributes reveals the mind that would absolutely destroy any and every civilized society. But since we KNOW that lil Wayne is a black man, a black man that is righteous by nature, why is he saying what he is saying, why is he thinking what he is thinking...who controls his motivations? It is his enemy, it is his master, it is the western or European global influence! He was made a slave, lil Wayne was mentally stripped to the core and then a new thought and mind was systematically imposed upon him…his ways and actions are that of a snake of a grafted type…and if that aspect of him is not killed, or lynched, it will be left to sting someone else! Period!

Straight off the corner of Apple and Eagle

Brave Heart bitch like the Times I'm medieval

Married to the game, divorced the Cathedral

Standin' on the corner selling porcelean to people

Forced into evil, it's all in your head

It's all so cerebral, call me Knievel

You follow when I lead you

Straight to the needle

The bottles, the battle, the beetles'll eat you

Momma named Cita, I love you Cita

Member when your pussy second husband tried to beat you?

Remember when I went into the kitchen got the cleaver

He ain't give a fuck, I ain't give a fuck neither

He could see the devil, see the devil in my features

You could smell the ether, you can see Cita

You can see the Cita, see the Cita in my features

And she don't play neither

But you, can't, blame, me, if I set this stage on fire!

C3, 3Peat!

I mean damn do we listen to music, or do we just skim through it? APPLE? Yeah New York…the financial throne of the world, a world owned and ran by the so-called Jews that I exposed in my book The HipHop Nation: Willie Lynch’s Newest Slave. EAGLE? Yeah, that bird of prey that has an elegant and clean appearance but is as nasty as any vulture or buzzard that feeds on the dead, the difference between a buzzard and vulture, and the eagle, is an eagle will feed off the living, AND the dead! This bird that is mentioned by Wayne is situated within the evil halls of Washington, and this Apple and Eagle have merged and coalesced into one major power conglomerate that has positioned itself as the perceived rulers of the world. SIMPLY PUT: The eagle and the apple represent politics and finance…those elements that dictate the global agenda.

The slave then shows you his reality, yeah, he lets you know that he has been forced into evil, and it is his motive and intent to get as many people as possible to participate and engage in the same evil that he is waxing rich from, and his evil masters are maintaining control from…do you get it yet! He said this: “It's all so cerebral, call me Knievel (evil) You follow when I lead you Straight to the needle The bottles, the battle, the beetles'll eat you Momma” lil Wayne tells you that he intends on leading you, and he tells you where exactly that is…wow!

Before we move on…does it get any clearer then this? “He could see the devil, see the devil in my features You could smell the ether, you can see Cita You can see the Cita, see the Cita in my features And she don't play neither But you, can't, blame, me, if I set this stage on fire!


to order The HipHop Nation: Willie Lynch's Newest Slave   Please go to

Friday, July 30, 2010

A Message to the STUDENTS that "CLAIM" to love Farrakhan: Consider the Time!

This message is not meant to bust your bubble, this message is to in a very clear and concise way show all of us where we are at in terms of the time; a time that SHOULD dictate our AGENDA!

Did not the Minister just recently complete a lecture series”Consider the Time, and what MUST be done”. Okay then…how do we see the word MUST, is it “should”? is it “could”….NOPE the MINISTER said Consider the Time and what “MUST” be done! Doesn't the word “MUST” imply that if WE or YOU, or I “Do Not” do it, then a Punishment or negative Consequence will be the result?

Well let’s define the word “MUST”:


verbal auxiliary 1 a : be commanded or requested to b : be urged to : ought by all means to
2 : be compelled by physical necessity to : be required by immediate or future need or purpose to
3 a : be obliged to : be compelled by social considerations to b : be required by law, custom, or moral conscience to c : be determined to d : be unreasonably or perversely compelled to 4 : be logically inferred or supposed to
5 : be compelled by fate or by natural law to 6 : was or were presumably certain to : was or were bound to
7 dialect : MAY, SHALL —used chiefly in questions intransitive verb archaic : to be obliged to go

Now look…for all those that CLAIM to LOVE the Minister and The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad; to all those who CLAIM to follow and believe themselves to be students of these TWO Great men, allow me to ask you this simple yet very important question…Do you really feel, think, and believe that you are individually OR collectively doing what the TIME dictates that you MUST do?

You don’t have to answer the question for me, because I have to answer the question for MYSELF! What I am trying to do is tell you some things that I am not altogether sure that you are being told on Sundays from those around you, or if you have been told…has not been really driven home!

You see, the condition of your Mosque or Church plays a significant part in how well you will receive a message that is TIMELY and Crucial for you! If for some reason you have lost faith and admiration for those around you, especially those that are in so-called AUTHORITY, the flawed relationship may just translate in a MIS-calculation on your part in CONSIDERING the words spoken by those people that you may have developed a limited respect for throughout the years for various reasons. What I am saying is SIMPLE…if a man that has LOST your respect comes running into your house screaming and yelling telling you to get out because your house in on fire…you may not take him very seriously until you smell the smoke!

I am telling you, DON’T allow the relationships that you have on the local level, whether it is family, Mosque, or church to affect what you hear from the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan in terms of HIS clear WARNINGS and INSTRUCTIONS! To do so may prove out to be a FATAL mistake! I don’t know, but if we say that WE love THAT man named Farrakhan, and HE speaks and Delivers a CLEAR word…then since HIS Lecture series on Consider the Time and what MUST be done, WHAT if any is the measurable or noticeable action or behavior that YOU, WE, or I have Initiated, Sustained, or EVEN thought about DOING that the TIME dictates that WE MUST do?

Consider the Time, and what Must be “DONE”!

Well let’s now define “DONE”:

done (dun)

transitive verb, intransitive verb



1. completed; ended

2. sufficiently cooked

3. socially acceptable because acceptable to arbiters of good taste: usually in a negative construction: it just isn't done

done (dŭn)


Past participle of do1.


1. Having been carried out or accomplished; finished: a done deed.

2. Cooked adequately.

3. Socially acceptable: Spitting on the street is just not done in polite society.

4. Informal Totally worn out; exhausted.

Related Forms:

• doneˈness noun

So as WE scream and shout, and yell our individual and collective declarations of LOVE and Support for the Minister…Let’s track that LOVE and SUPPORT in the context of a Man that claims to LOVE his Wife and Children…yet fails to supply those things that will evidently insure the survival of those whom he claims to love. In the context of application and demonstration (what MUST be DONE) it is more than recognized that our declarations are being received within the Heavens and the Earth as just a Joyful Noise that we THINK will buy us TIME and/or Mercy!

Look at the definition of “MERCY”:


noun pl. mercies -•cies
1. a refraining from harming or punishing offenders, enemies, persons in one's power, etc.; kindness in excess of what may be expected or demanded by fairness; forbearance and compassion
2. imprisonment rather than the death penalty imposed on those found guilty of capital crimes
3. a disposition to forgive, pity, or be kind
4. the power to forgive or be kind; clemency: to throw oneself on the mercy of the court
5. kind or compassionate treatment; relief of suffering
6. a fortunate thing; thing to be grateful for; blessing: a mercy he wasn't killed
used to express surprise, annoyance, fear, etc.
mer•cy (mûrˈsē)
noun pl. mercies mer•cies
1. Compassionate treatment, especially of those under one's power; clemency.
2. A disposition to be kind and forgiving: a heart full of mercy.
3. Something for which to be thankful; a blessing: It was a mercy that no one was hurt.
4. Alleviation of distress; relief: Taking in the refugees was an act of mercy.

Damn, WE might need to read that again!

Now we have been taught that MERCY is an UNDESERVED KINDNESS….BUT, we also have been taught that the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan IS Allah’s MERCY in the FLESH!

What this should tell us is that if the MINISTER is attempting to prepare us for HIS departure, then what He is actually trying to prepare us for is the ABSENCE of ALLAH’s Mercy!

NOW what does that mean for you and me?

It means that we will NOT be able to live the life and make the decisions that we have made in the past, a past that had the presence of God’s MERCY actually walking around with us as we are and were in the pit of Hell!

Just as the book of Daniel:

Daniel 3:25

"25 He said, "Look! I see four men walking around in the fire, unbound and unharmed, and the fourth looks like a son of the gods."

We too have been afforded the blessing and opportunities that come with the presence of the ANGEL or Son of the God named Farrakhan…you can accept it or reject’s your choice! The fact remains, OUR love for Farrakhan is not based upon what we have done for Him, our Love for Farrakhan (if in fact that is what it is) is absolutely rooted in what He has done for us; or even better yet, what HIS presence has allowed US to do!!

So what does this mean?

It would seem that Allah’s Mercy has allowed us to MIS-Calculate the TIME! It would seem that the presence of God’s MERCY has caused US to falsely mistake Allah’s UN-Deserved Kindness as a Weakness! And just like any Supreme Authority would…at a time when people FAIL to RESPECT an awesome POWER, and FAIL to adequately YIELD in the face of an Opposing FORCE…ALLAH has seemingly reached the POINT where HE “MUST” show US, better than TELL US!

(WE will get deeper into this subject in my next note INSHALLAH--called "SMELLING THE SMOKE…how the HOUSE is on FIRE so you BETTER get out Quick!")


Since ALLAH has been pleased with HIS MINISTER and His work, HE decides to take HIS MINISTER (Angel) from amongst the stiff-necked and rebellious clan of so-called BELIEVERS to show forth a MIGHTY display of POWER and CONVICTION.

QUESTION: Why would ALLAH choose to PUNISH HIS ANGEL if the ANGEL has in fact done the WORK? The ANGEL will be removed, but “HOW” the ANGEL is REMOVED will likewise play a major and critical part in the method by which, and through which ALLAH’S Anger and Actions are proven out to be JUSTIFIED.

Who am I? I’m your brother…am I Right and Exact? Hell NO!

But what kind of brother would I be if the HAUNTING thoughts that ALLAH have sent my way, were NOT shared with those that I encounter everyday within these various forms of electronic media?
In a virtual world of discussion, what is being said? And what is being heard? And does it even MATTER?

If you are on my list as a friend…what better friend is one that will share truth in the midst of a terrible lie, and a social network of a bunch damn hypocrites, agents, slanderers, defamers, and false lovers of a MAN that has already been carrying the CROSS, but in a VERY short while will be lifted up and placed on the CROSS for all the world to SEE?

The HARSHEST of criticism is NOT thrown at those who are simply weak, for you can be made strong!

Nor is it aimed at those who have slipped and fallen and came up short within the matchless glory of ALLAH.

Our spiritual and mental inadequacies can be strengthened over night if we just simply make the choice to submit!

But the Unrelenting and Harshest of criticisms and disdain is for those self aggrandized, holier than thou, title lifted so-called leaders and laborers that fail to tell the people what they NEED to hear, so that they can begin to do what MUST be DONE!
These kinds of people smell like Donkey Dung in the Nostrils of God, for these people Sport and Play with the salvation and lives of the people!

Oh yeah, if you think I am talking about you….then more than likely I damn sure am!

The people’s attention has been pointed to you, and yourself absorbed behinds fail to point them to GOD!


You might view me as that LOUD and Obnoxious brother on facebook, in your Mosque, in your family, and in your life! And yes, I am that person…I have had this attitude, personality, and mental tenacity ALL my life! I have often asked myself, as a man that worked so hard for the NATION, as a man that has demonstrated so much LOVE for his family and friends, as a man that works hard, and works intelligently…how come I have not been helped and supported to the degree that it seemingly looks as if others of lesser caliber are?

LOL…you see, ALLAH is the best of planners, and although it may sound like I am talking about myself, in reality I am talking about US!

It is everything that you were, that makes you what you are now! Everything that was NEVER given to you was held back from you until the proper time, IF it was GOOD for the Plan of GOD! AND if it is Good for GOD, then it should be EXCELLENT for any of us that claim to be from and of that GOD!

My personality and tenaciousness was developed throughout time to get me in a position where I can have the MICROPHONE,or opportunity to speak, BUT…what will I say once I have it? AND am I QUALIFIED, are YOU QUALIFIED?

The QUESTION is SIMPLE: Why would ALLAH tell US to consider the TIME and what MUST be done, if when the TIME came for it to be DONE, we could NOT do it?

What is being held in the darkened recesses of YOUR mind that MUST, that WILL come to the LIGHT at the Proper TIME? Do we doubt OUR Lord, and do we REJECT HIS PROMISE?


So many people that are in front of you LOVE to hear themselves talk, but what are they saying?

They are just re-mixing for you what they THINK that they heard the MINISTER SAY!

There is nothing wrong with that, BUT, if a Teacher’s aide FAILS to get you up to speed with the TEACHER, then no matter how much you work…YOUR work will only be based upon YOUR relationship with the Teacher’s Aide, Not the TEACHER!

THIS REALITY IS SEEN WHEN: We allow the teacher's aides to run us away from what is OURS, and subsequently from the TEACHER that is trying to QUALIFY us to receive it. (Do you Follow me?)

Follow me, a helper should help, but help turns to hindrance if that Helper does not improve the cognitive and real TIME mental and spiritual skills of the student that they have been charged to help.

SIMPLY PUT: a GOOD teacher’s aide will help the TEACHER in the TEACHER’S work, and in the case of the MINISTER, His work is to GET US where HE IS!


“As Allah (God) continues to grow all of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad's students into positions awaiting them, I pray that we will all be motivated by the words that Sister Latonja Muhammad wrote within the Introduction of the book entitled Closing the Gap: Inner Views of the Heart, Mind & Soul of The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, by Jabril Muhammad.

She Wrote:

“Every student’s dream is to be close to his or her teacher. So close that he or she is considered the favorite; and even closer, that one day, the student hopes to be “like” or “equal” to the one teaching.

Any good student yearns for the day when his teacher calls upon him; because he takes pleasure in showing the teacher he got his lesson. He takes pleasure in being pleasing in the teacher’s sight.

Not only is it the student’s desire, to be “like” the teacher, or to one day become a teacher, it is the aim and purpose of the teacher, that the student one day equals and even surpasses him. This is what fuels any good teacher. It is his driving force, it is also what gives him patience with the student, for he sees and knows the power that is active in the teacher lays dormant in the student. So it is the teacher’s aim to ignite the energy that is potential and turn it to kinetic”

Kinetic is defined as: Ki*net"ic (?), q. [Gr. , from to move.] (Physics) Moving or causing motion; motory; active, as opposed to latent. Kinetic energy.”
An excerpt taken from the DISCLAIMER found in my Book, The HipHop Nation: Willie Lynch’s Newest Slave

So this is the point that I wish to establish, the teacher’s aides MUST be active in the purpose and mission of the teacher. If this is not the case, the teacher’s aides could be found liable for punishment for actually distancing (Creating a Gap) between the Teacher and His students!

(This is done by Introducing MIXED INSTRUCTIONS, Instructions from who…the TEACHER)

The purpose of OUR Teacher is to improve the thinking and subsequent life activities of ALL HIS STUDENTS! The demonstration of progress in this regard will be seen in the said life activities as they bear a true witness of the student’s thought levels and process.

(the TRUTH of your Relationship with the TEACHER and HIS INSTRUCTIONS will be BORN in the reality of your life)


“After learning Mathematics, which is Islam, and Islam is Mathematics, it stands true. You can always prove it at no limit of time. Then you must learn to use it and secure some benefit while you are living, that is - luxury, money, good homes, friendship in all walks of life.”

What I am saying to you, is that since we KNOW that the TEACHER is right and exact, the flaw if there is one—is limited to the teacher’s aide and the student him or herself.

For this Reason: We hear the Minister say over and over again...that the Problem with the Nation is rooted in the laborers. Does He say that, or doesn't He?
He has also did a powerful lecture entitled....The Harvest is Ripe, but the Laborers are few! (think on this)

IN a real way it can be seen that the so-called teacher’s aides have restricted and hindered the development of the student. At some point the STUDENT out of the LOVE and DESIRE to be Near the Teacher in every aspect of the word NEAR, MUST recognize the flaw of a mathematical equation that has not yielded the desired FRUIT or Result!


"Sit yourself in Heaven at once! That is the greatest Desire of your Brother and Teachers."

Simply Put: No matter how easy it may be to blame the teacher’s aides, the student is required to not get the teacher’s aides confused with the TEACHER. The Student must NOT allow their minds to be tricked and deceived into believing that the teacher’s aides are the TEACHER, they MUST always be mindful that the teacher’s aides are REALLY ONLY students like themselves; and in this regard, the student must seek help from the aides, but accountability is held over the head of the STUDENT in terms of maintaining the PROPER connection and REALTIONSHIP with the TEACHER!


Sit yourself in Heaven at once! SIT WHO...YOURSELF, the BUCK STOPS WITH YOU!

To Further Establish this POINT, lets consider the FOLLOWING Taken from the Instructions Given to the Laborers:
"Each Student must qualify his or herself for Positions awaiting them. Assignment of Office will be made immediately after Examination, and on Completion of his or her Labor Course. Consideration for the Laborers of Islam will be taken, and Analysis, in the near future by ALLAH!

NOTE: THIS PARAGRAPH puts a stop to all Quarreling and Arguments among the Laborers over their Offices in ISLAM until he or she have been qualified and their qualification Examined to see if they are Fit to be used in the Respective Position. THE past History shows that the First Examination of Laborers is made by the Apostle, whom the Laborers are to work with.

According to the Holy Qur'an 59:7, the Muslims were very poor when they first started to Teach ISLAM and all contribution was given to ALLAH's Apostle for him and his Family's Support. And what the Apostle could spare, he gave to help take care of the Poor Muslims that were unable to help themselves and the other part was given to those who were confined to the Labor of ISLAM.

And soon, there arose an argument among the Hypocrites about the use of the money because they thought that they should share equally with the Apostle. Then ALLAH cast these Hypocrites out and punished them for the false accusation that they had spread against the Prophet, that he was seeking to enrich himself and acting unjustly to the poor and needy. And, then ALLAH, told the other Laborers that HE would soon enrich all of them but, at present, every effort should be to maintain the Prophet and his household.

The enemy, then, tried to stop every Muslim from helping the Apostle and said he should be killed. Then ALLAH Challenged the enemy to do so - to leave not a stone unturned in trying.

This is in the 34 Problems that you have, if you understand.

So this is what is meant by ALLAH taking, under Analysis, the Consideration of the Laborers in the near future. The student could practice his or her Labor while under study if they were sincere, and Submit themselves to Obey and Follow the Apostle. And it is written that all who Rebelled against the Apostle, ALLAH made it impossible for them to live in Peace until they would Submit.

The Holy Qur'an does not contradict a Muslim to Swear his Allegiance to his Brother so long as he does not break his Allegiance - nor does the Bible in this case.”

Now after reading the above INSTRUCTION…I want to focus your mind on THREE points among several!


“Each Student must qualify his or herself for Positions awaiting them. Assignment of Office will be made immediately after Examination, and on Completion of his or her Labor Course. Consideration for the Laborers of Islam will be taken, and Analysis, in the near future by ALLAH!”

NOTICE: “Awaiting them” denotes time…that a position will be waiting on you (the student) for the “PROPER TIME”
The Minister has told US: “Consider the TIME and What MUST be DONE”
Our ability to do what MUST be done is connected to our being QUALIFIED to do it!


QUESTION: Who will at a certain point determine who are in fact the HELPERS or LABORERS of ALLAH?
ANS: “Consideration for the Laborers of Islam will be taken, and Analysis, in the near future by ALLAH!”

Do you see it?

Consideration (like the time) will be taken, and Analysis in the near FUTURE! (TIME) So is it possible that that future is swiftly moving upon us? And are we beginning to see the qualifications begin to be EXAMINED, and the fake LABORERS vs. the REAL Laborers are beginning to go through a special CONSIDERATION?

TO SEE WHAT: "Examined to see if they are Fit to be used in the Respective Position."

WOW…can we NOT see that the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is locked right in step with the Supreme Wisdom?

NOW…what would be the mental disposition of those who found pride in the fact that they were the TEMPORARY LABORERS (teacher’s aides) as opposed to the FUTURE QUALIFIED ones?


“The student could practice his or her Labor while under study if they were sincere, and Submit themselves to Obey and Follow the Apostle.”

In this instance we can see that those who were/are Laborers could continue their practice IF they obey and follow the Apostle.


QUESTION: Has the students that have been practicing their labor been recently given a special instruction that the Minister says will Further Qualify them for their Future Position? (THINK)

The Minister has said that if the student laborers are successful with this special instruction…they will find and establish a mental and emotional peace that will quicken our pace in terms of the Mission and Purpose for the Coming of ALLAH!

So think about that when you read these words:

"And it is written that all who Rebelled against the Apostle, ALLAH made it impossible for them to live in Peace until they would Submit.”

The Minister has found and has offered PEACE…will we accept?


Do you think that ONLY those who have been KNOWN as Laborers were the ONLY ones being QUALIFIED for their POSITIONS that await them? (THINK)

Have we not heard that the RIGHTEOUS will be tried THROUGH the FURNACE of Affliction?

Isaiah 48:10 (New International Version)

“10 See, I have refined you, though not as silver;
I have tested you in the furnace of affliction.”
What about those who think that they have been forsaken do to poverty:

Revelation 2:9-10, 3:9.

"I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer . . . be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life. . . . Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee."

THINK: The FIRST shall be LAST, and the LAST shall be FIRST...ALSO...we TRY you UNDER, to prepare you for OVER...AND...if you prove to be a GOOD FOLLOWER, you will be MADE into a GOOD leader!
You see, after all this time, throughout your hard work and sacrifice, the pain of being under people that thought they were better, but were really no more than students like yourselves…you and I will awaken at a certain TIME and be pulled out in front of the NATIONS of the EARTH just as The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan was pulled out in front of the Nation of Islam, and just like how The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad was pulled out in front of the Minister’s Class by Master Fard Muhammad—WE will be displayed in front of the WORLD as the FRUIT or PRODUCT of a Mighty GOD!

If we INSIST upon Success, if we decide upon Divine Purpose…we will be made as a NEW and Perfect RULER! WHY, because in a NATION that was set up by GOD HIMSELF, we NEVER were truly afforded happiness or satisfaction brother and sisters! We have went through ups and downs…we have been falsely accused, we have been attacked spiritually, mentally, and physically…we have TRIPPED up ourselves, and we have been TRIPPED up by others who CLAIM the SAME GOD as US….BUT look around you beautiful black people, We are the LAST ONES standing…and ALL that PAIN was what will QUALIFY us to be NEW and PERFECT RULERS!!

PLEASE THINK: All of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad's people who the Minister was told to get, are the PURIFIED ones, those who have been QUALIFIED by the TRIALS of AFFLICTION! Its a GREAT DAY for ALL of US...please BUCKLE down at this NOT get TIRED NOW!!
We have been BLIND, we thought we could see…but we could NOT see, that is why we have had NO measurable SUCCESS since we have been supposedly of sight!

OUR ONLY success has been the SUCCESS that was called into EXISTANCE by the ONLY ONE that was TRULY QUALIFIED by the MESSENGER Himself…the foundation of any success that the NATION has had, or that we have had has been established on Allah’s Mercy in OUR midst, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, a man that was Converted to Success by Master Fard Muhammad and His Christ!

Yes, we were blind to the fact that all along, while we have been LOOKING at the Minister, and even LOOKING at HIS Helpers…ALLAH has been looking at US! ALLAH has been working on us, NOW are we ABLE to finally look around and see Allah’s Mighty work, can we NOW start to see ourselves in the magnificent light that Allah has called us to finally step-out into?


But there is more to be understood in the words. That the Laborers' Pronunciation of words and syllables must be in the Past, Future and Present Perfect Tense - Otherwise will not be considered.

What is meant by the Laborers' answers to all LESSONS in the Past, Present and Future being PERFECT is that we must know and be Able to Prove, at all times, to the New Converts that the LESSONS that OUR SAVIOUR (ALLAH) gave us to Study and Learn is the Fulfillment of the Prophecies of All the Former Prophets concerning the Beginning of the Devils, and the Ending if the Civilization, and of our Enslavement by the Devils, and Present Time of our Delivery from the Devils by OUR SAVIOUR (ALLAH). PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME! There is No God but ALLAH.

How that ALLAH would separate us from the Devils and, then destroy them; and Change us into a New and Perfect People; and Fill the Earth with FREEDOM, JUSTICE and EQUALITY as it was filled with wickedness; and Making we, the Poor Lost-Founds, the Perfect RULERS.

Therefore if we have not this Understanding, we are Yet Blind to HIM that has come to SAVE us. For this is OUR SAVIOUR'S Desire - that we should Know HIM as OUR GOD AND Saviour, and that Besides HIM there is NO SAVIOUR for us.

Why should the Lost-Founds Disbelieve and Dispute with one another about OUR SAVIOUR (ALLAH) and HIS Work of Delivering? Cannot a Fool see that a Mighty Change is in Progress in every Living Creature?”

This instruction best sums up the point I have tried to establish with you! Let’s get back into our Lessons, these Lessons are to be demonstrated through a language that cannot simply be spoken verbally, but based upon our life’s activity.

So NOW you may understand why I said this earlier:"My personality and tenaciousness was developed throughout time to get me in a position where I can have the MICROPHONE,or opportunity to speak, BUT…what will I say once I have it? AND I QUALIFIED, are YOU QUALIFIED?"

Allah is looking at our demonstration of our LESSONS, as students we have been given OUR LESSON! OUR ability to get OUR lesson, to demonstrate the understanding of said LESSON..will be EXAMINED by ALLAH at the PROPER TIME!

You and I have been worked on by GOD HIMSELF through the HELP and ASSISTANCE of those who are used Negatively or positively by GOD HIMSELF!

"There is No God but ALLAH. How that ALLAH would separate us from the Devils and, then destroy them; and Change us into a New and Perfect People; and Fill the Earth with FREEDOM, JUSTICE and EQUALITY as it was filled with wickedness; and Making we, the Poor Lost-Founds, the Perfect RULERS."

"Therefore if we have not this Understanding, we are Yet Blind to HIM that has come to SAVE us. For this is OUR SAVIOUR'S Desire - that we should Know HIM as OUR GOD AND Saviour, and that Besides HIM there is NO SAVIOUR for us."


“Why should the Lost-Founds Disbelieve and Dispute with one another about OUR SAVIOUR (ALLAH) and HIS Work of Delivering? Cannot a Fool see that a Mighty Change is in Progress in every Living Creature?”

YUP, that’s us…and that has been us, we are the LOST FOUNDS…perhaps we should stop calling our people who have yet to accept Islam as Lost-Founds, UNTIL or UNLESS we come into a better understanding of what that is! You see, if we think that we have been FOUND, then maybe we may falsely believe that we have already arrived…we have NOT…we are CLOSE, but not yet!

When the Minister finally gets up out of here, will we fall for three days before we get back up?

Or will we come out and CLAIM the blessings of ALLAH, rather than to continue to sit up and depend upon HIS MERCY? You see a BLESSING is so much greater than MERCY, we thank ALLAH for Mercy (undeserved kindness), but how much more greater will it be to finally DO something that EARNS us some Blessings!!

Consider the Time and what MUST be Done…

I Thank you for your time and consideration…I will close with this, hoping that you will really study what it is that I am saying to you!!


“After learning Mathematics, which is Islam, and Islam is Mathematics, it stands true. You can always prove it at no limit of time. Then you must learn to use it and secure some benefit while you are living, that is - luxury, money, good homes, friendship in all walks of life.

Sit yourself in Heaven at once! That is the greatest Desire of your Brother and Teachers.

Now you must speak the Language so you can use your Mathematical Theology in the proper Term -- otherwise you will not be successful unless you do speak well, for She knows all about you.

The Secretary of Islam offers a reward to the best and neatest worker of this Problem.

There are twenty-six letters in the Language, and if a Student learns one letter per day, then how long will it take him to learn the twenty-six letters?

There are ten numbers in the Mathematical Language. Then how long will it take a Student to learn the whole ten numbers (at the above rate)? The average man speaks four hundred words - considered well.”


PROBLEM NUMBER 13 leads you to 1+3=4 (the fourth instruction)

Instruction# 4

“The Laborers must practice the above Language with all new Converts. The Laborers are liable to punishment if found using Baby Language at any time. The Laborers must greet a Registered Muslim in his own way.”

AND JUST AS PROBLEM No.13 Leads to Instruction No. 4 (4 is the result of 1+3, or instruction number 13)

Instruction #13

“Big fields are awaiting for the wide Awake man to work out. Arise the Dead by the thousands! The dead Nation must arise - for the Time is at hand.

Look in your Poison Book. Work cheerfully and fear not! You are the Righteous, the Best and the Powerful.”


SMELLING THE SMOKE…how the HOUSE is on FIRE so you BETTER get out Quick! NOTE AND BLOG!
“The Laborers must Speak and Use grammatic pronunciation of words and syllables in Past, Future, Present and Perfect Tense. the Laborer's answers to All Lessons must be in the above Language. Others will not be considered.

Note: The Dumb must speak Plainly. The Stammering Tongue is Speaking Clear. (He covers the Prophecies of the Bible and, also, the Holy Qur'an in a word).

NO man can be Successful in Teaching a People that cannot speak, Clearly, the People's Language.